Chapter 7

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Apollus Prime and Prowl were training in Prowl's dojo as Prowl showed him how to channel his spark energy so he could master the way of the cyber ninja.

(Apollus Prime POV)
Apollus Prime was listening to Prowl's instructions as he was making the hand signals to perform the cyber ninja technique. "Ok now you need to channel your spark into it." Prowl said as Apollus Prime performed the hand signals. "Cyber ninja  multi clone technique." Apollus Prime said as 5 other copies of him appeared.

"Very good now let's see how you use it in battle." Prowl said as he threw 2 kunais at 2 of the clones of Apollus Prime making them disappear. Prowl rushed at Apollus Prime and took out the other 3 copies.
"Cyber ninja vanishing technique." Apollus Prime said as he performed the hand signals and disappeared before Prowl could slash at him with a kunai.

Prowl then looked around his dojo for any type of movement. Prowl saw some movement out of the corner of his optic. "Cyber ninja technique great fire ball." Prowl said as he performed the hand signals and shot fire out of his hands at Apollus Prime (who was invisible through the technique.)

Apollus Prime backflipped away from the giant ball of fire. "Woah." Apollus Prime said in surprise from the ball of fire. "Impressive isn't it kid." Prowl said smiling.

Prowl threw three kunais at Apollus Prime, "cyber ninja vanishing technique." Apollus Prime said performing the hand signals as he disappeared.

Prowl surveyed the dojo looking for Apollus Prime. Apollus Prime had hidden in the tree as his optics illuminated blue again as he felt energy building inside him.

Prowl stalked around the dojo still looking for him, Apollus Prime then appeared right in front of Prowl and began to perform hand signals. "Cyber ninja technique lightning strike." Apollus Prime said as he shot a bolt of lightning from his hand. Prowl nearly dodged it as he backflipped over it. "Woah where did you pick that up from?" Prowl asked as he looked at Apollus Prime with a smile.

"I don't know I just felt an energy of the prime build in me and I was just able to perform the technique." Apollus Prime said.

"So that must mean that your spark energy is lightning." Prowl said. "Spark nature what's that?" Apollus Prime asked looking confused.

"Spark nature is something that all cyber ninjas contain it determines which elements they are strongest in and they specialize in. In your case Lightning." Prowl said.

"What are the elements?" Apollus Prime asked.

"The five elements are lightning, fire, water, earth, and wind." Prowl said. Before Prowl and Apollus could continue their conversation Bumblebee came running into the dojo.

"We've got an emergency downtown we need to hurry." Bumblebee said as the two of them ran after him into the main area of the base.

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(Novascreen Prime POV)
The battle was not going well for the autobots as the Decepticon army was overwhelming the autobot force.

"Autobots you should just give up there's no way you will win." Starscream said laughing.

Novascreen Prime was taking cover behind a boulder as the Decepticons rained down fire upon them. "This isn't good, we can't hold out too much longer we're being overwhelmed due to not having Optimus, Arcee, Apollus and the others." Novascreen Prime thought to himself.

Moonracer was right next to him behind the boulder and she could tell that he was thinking hard about something. "Hey are you ok?" Moonracer asked a bit of concern showing for Novascreen Prime.

"We're just so outnumbered this may be our last stand." Novascreen Prime said.

"If it's our last stand so be it, but we will never bow to the Decepticons." Moonracer said.

"Agreed, let's go." Novascreen Prime said as his battle mask slid back up and the autobots prepared for their last stand.

As the autobots prepared for their final attack, a ship flew down firing shoots at the Decepticons as they scattered. As the Decepticons were distracted the autobots took advantage and fired at the Decepticons.

As the Decepticons took cover the ship landed next to the autobots and the hatch opened all the autobots waited for the bots to identify themselves.

As the first bot emerged from the ship all blasters were pointed at him. "Relax guys I thought we were all on the same side." Rotorstorm said smiling with his arms above his head.

"Rotorstorm how we were told you had perished." Bulkhead said.

"If you think seeing me is a surprise just wait for the others." Rotorstorm said as the other bots emerged.

The bots were Warpath, Springer, Road Buster, Top spin, and Twist twin.

"Guys you're all ok, we thought most of you were gone." Wheeljack said looking at the other wreckers.

"We'll explain later let's get out of here first." Springer said as the other autobots nodded as they boarded the ship and it took off.

"Stop them, they're getting away!" Starscream yelled as he, Lugnut and Blitzwing transformed and gave chase to the ship.

"How are we supposed to shake them?" Knockout said as the camera pulled up the three Decepticons chasing the ship.

"I'm glad you asked." Twist twin said as he pressed some controls on the keyboard from his position.

"You got the the other part right bro?" Twist twin asked looking at Top spin.

"Of course." Top spin said as inputed some controls on the keyboard as well.

What did that do?" Chromia asked.

"Oh you'll see." Top spin and Twist twin answered smiling at each other.

As the Decepticons were giving chase of the ship, the ship suddenly disappeared.

"It's just a cloaking device our radars can keep track of it." Lugnut said.

Then a signal spread throughout the air scrambling all radars, the Decepticons lost the ship completely as Starscream yelled in anger.

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(Megatron POV)
Megatron was sitting in his throne room when Shockwave delivered the news that Starscream failed.

"It is no matter the autobots gained more, they all will stay be destroyed when I use Arcee and Optimus against them and get involved in the battle myself they won't stand a chance." Megatron said as he laughed evilly.

Author's note: Sorry for not uploading in awhile, just having a bit of writers block, but I'm overcoming it. As always feedback in the comments is always recommended. Thanks for reading!

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