Chapter 18: Never say goodbye (Lemon)

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Grif: Yeah you never act like that.

Sarge: And what's wrong with your voice?

Simmons/O'Malley: Nothing. Why dose something have to be wrong with my voice? Maybe somethings wrong with your voice. Ever think about that, cocksucker!

Male UNSC soldier: Sir I don't think this isn't Simmons.

Male UNSC Sargent: I think so.


We see Sophie killing Wyoming while Church trying to get O'Malley away from Tex.

Church: This is Private Church broadcasting on a open channel!

Tex: What are you doing?

Church: Making sure you won't get to O'Malley.

Y/n: Ave, Sophie, Tucker, Remington and Ashley, open your comms now!

Tucker: Fuck that, if I do, he'll get the sword.

Y/n: Good point.

Tex: You too Y/n! The hell!

Y/n: Tex you know slaving an alien race is wrong.  They may have killed millions of humans but-

Tex: But what, the Covenant needs to be stopped. Even by means in slaving them.

Y/n: Don't you understand that we're telling them lies about this fales path. We be Nothing like them.

Tex: Then so be it!

Ave: This isn't right Tex and you know it.

Tex: Yous don't get it. If this is true then we can end the war.

Y/n: And what will happen after that? You think O'Malley will just gonan leave after your plan is done? He'll build an army that is far worse then the Covenant!

Tex: I guess we have to fund out.

Y/n: This isn't you Tex, your better then  this.

Tex: I know. But i thought your the same as well.

Y/n and Tex glare at each other then he heard a familiar voise through his radio.

Landon: (comms) Y/n do you read me? This is Landon, do you copy?

Y/n: (surprised) Landon, what happened to you?

Landon: (comms) O'Malley took over my body and left me on the cave. Luckily Doc, Kaikaina and Junior were there ans healed me up. O'Malley is gone Y/n, he's somewhere and I don't know where.

Them Y/n ans the rest rise their weapons at Tex and Tex aim her weapon at them.

Church: Tex? Is he in there?

Tex: No. Is he in either of yous?

Ave: Bellshit, your lying you son of a bitch.

Y/n: Tex. I'm giving you one chance to turn off your radio and stand down.

Tex: I rather stay away if I were you Spartan.

Y/n was stuned a little when she said that. Tex may not be Allison but he knows that Allison would never enslave the whole Covenant and knows it's not right.

Male UNSC Sargent: (comms) Spartans, we need yous donw here now. One of the reds is acting a bit weird. Speaking in a deep voise and acting a bit scary. Request some back up over.

They all hear that and Ted kicks Y/n back and he stumbled back towards Church and Ave. Tex makes a run for it.

Church: Stop her!

Halo Male Spartan reader X Red Vs Blue: The ultimate Spartan within Blood GulchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora