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        Grayson's pov


"You want to do what?!"
Mum yelled at the top of her lungs

"I have to go in"
Dad said quietly

"Do not say that Kaleb"
She took a puff of her Ciggar and turned away from him

"If I say the truth, they may minimise my sentence"

She laughed hysterically and rolled her eyes

"This is New York Kaleb not Privet Valley!"
She yelled,

"Doesn't mean, the lawyer...
He sighed

"The lawyer what?, he doesn't know anything, he's just looking for how he'll drop this fucking case"

"Don't be stupid Kaleb"
"Just wait"
She whispered as she held him close to her

"Wait for what?!"
He shoved her away

"For your stupid brother?!"

Mum's brother uncle karl was Dad's boss,
He ran errands for him, one of those errands got him in trouble and he got busted selling drugs for him

"He got me into this stupid mess!"
Dad became angrier

"I can't run away from this Stella"

"You can't leave I and Kaleb"
She held unto me thight

"I don't have a choice"
His voice was grim and his eyes were red

He called me,
I ran and embraced him tighthly

"Lil man"
He knelt down to my level so our eyes would meet

"I am gonna be gone for a while but I'll be back soon"

Tears gushed out of my eyes,
I could tell that he was he was holding back his the second he saw me cry

"It's okay man, just take care of your mum for me okay?"

Dad called Jason who was seated by the corner watching us in silence, he didn't know how to react to the bad news

"You know I need you to help out man"
He looked up at him and down back at me before embracing me, Jason joined in and so did mum, we hugged and cried our eyes out.


The air condition in the car is blowing out cool breeze but the the atmosphere is still tense,
Hailey knows the truth now, the truth of why I came here and why I am still here,
It breaks my heart to think that I may have broken hers, this may be the last straw.

"Grayson you're driving too fast"
Sue whispers,
She has been staring at me intensely since we took off from the supermarket

The Things That Will Never Go AwayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin