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Hailey's pov

I tried my best,
I wanted a degree in psychology, agood job, a good apartment, a different life but things don't always work out the way you expect them to,
What I am saying in essence is that I didn't get any of those things, the degree, no, I was lazy, the job, no, I don't know what I want to do yet and the apartment, yes and no  I live in an apartment at Hanover Square that I also share with my cousin, not my dream, probably someone else's.

But time has done it's deed,
It's been five years since highschool,
five years since I actually saw my friends and five years since I laid my blue eyes on Grayson King,
I can still remember his scent, his sand brown eyes and the way he smiled whenever I was with him, back then life was a dream but now it's a blur.

Ever since we parted ways I've always felt like something was missing from my life or rather, someone,
I've always felt that way though but without Grayson, it is a different kind of emptiness.

"Hail, you've got to come!"
M.j's loud voice startles me,
she won't stop begging me to attend her  birthday party.

"I- don't- know" my reply comes out in bits my mind is all over the place,
I want to come because I want to see my friends but I also don't want to come because Grayson may be there

"Gray's gonna be there"
Yasmin spits, like she read my mind
I almost forgot that I am on a three way video call,

I respond, twisting my gold locs nervously.

"So, you should go"
Junior butts in,

"Hey carrah!"
M.j waves at Junior

"hey M, happy birthday in advance!"

"Thank you, Carrah please beg your butt head cousin to come to my party"

who is she calling butthead?

"H, come on, you've got to go"
Junior beckons to me,


"I'll go with you" she adds

"Okay, we're coming!"
I'll feel much better with her accompanying me

M.j exclaims

"Okay girls, I have to go now, Noah needs me"
Yasmin hangs up

"Yeah, me too, I have to get up early for yoga and a long spa day"
M.j says and hangs up after her

"So?, You're seeing Grayson tommorow" Junior teases me

"Hold up junior"
I turn to face her

"I don't think he would want to talk to me"
I sigh

"Well, you talk to him"
She rolls her eyes

"There's no point Junior"
I close my laptop and fall back on my bed

"He doesn't like me anymore"

"Who cares, make him like you H"
She lays beside me

"Don't tell me that ageing has made you turn soft"
"Norman's aren't soft"
she boasts

"He has Sue-ellen"
I whisper

"No he doesn't"
she faces me with a cunning smile on her face

"What do you mean?"

She probably know something that I don't

"Spill it!"

"Okay, okay"

"M.j told me that they broke up" she says

"When did this happen?"

"Last week"

"Last week junior?,  it's not been long since they broke up plus it's been five years, I am sure he is over me by now"

Anytime I remember what happened to us,
I feel this wave of sadness and guilt consume me

"It was my fault, I let my fears get the best of me"
I sigh

If I had just trusted that Grayson loved me I wouldn't be in the mess that I am in right now.

"Anyone can do that H, it's not your fault,
your rough past made you depressed"

he moves closer and hold me in her arms,
Atleast I have her, if not anyone else.

"I don't want to talk about that"
I whisper

"But you know if he doesn't like you, it's not the end of the world"

"You still have Clai"
She teases me,

"Oh, juniooooor"
I whine

"Clai is yesterday's news" I add

"I wasn't even into him"

She arches her brow

"Like that"
I laugh

"Okay,  what would you like to eat?"
She jumps up from my bed

"Anything you're not cooking"
I raise both my hands

unfortunately for me, junior is the worst cook I have ever met


"Okay, let's order"
she smiles at me sheepishly and picks up her phone.

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