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Hialey's pov


The sound of my mum's voice startles me,

I jump up on my feet and see her standing behind me, she gives me a warm smile and moves further to hug me

"Are you okay darling?"
She pulls away and faces me,

"I am...fine"

She turns to Grayson and he jumps up on his feet immediately,
she examines him from head to toe and looks back at me,

"Is this your husband Odette?"
She smiles

"No mum"
My cheeks turn red,
How embarrassing

"He is... I hesitate,

"My friend" I blurt out

He is my friend because I don't know what else we are

My baby brother, Quincy walks to us hastily

He embraces me immediately he gets to me, I bury my head in his firm shoulders,
He has gotten bigger since I last saw him

and tighten my grip on him,
I haven't seen him in years and I have missed my brother, actually, I have missed my family.

"How are things at home?"
I ask him in a whisper while we are still hugging,

He replies shakily, I can tell that he wants to cry

"But I am hanging in there"
His tone changes to a firm one

We stop hugging and I face him, his eyes are filled with tears he is struggling to hold back,

"I miss Junior, I miss you"

"Me too"
I give him a crooked smile

Another voice call out my name,
I shake at the sound of the horrid voice
The sound of his voice is a sound that I can recognise from anywhere and will never forget.

My Dad slowly approaches us with a frown on his face,
Quin faces him and stands apart from me

He gets closer and stands by Quin and mum, they are almost shaking by his side, I feel sorry for them,

He hasn't aged a day since I last saw him,
His grey hair is hidden under the jet black dye he applied on it but I can still see the grey,
He has on sunglasses and I can't see his eyes but I can tell that he is angry,

He adjusts his suit and clears his throat,

"I think I'll be on my way now"
Grayson says

"Nice meeting you all" he adds with a fake smile before leaving

Silence lingers once Grayson leaves and the atmosphere gets tensed causing me to sweat profusely, I need saving now.

"Hunny, I am sorry for your loss"
my mum says quietly

"Her loss?" Dad eyes her angrily

The Things That Will Never Go AwayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat