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Hailey's pov

I wonder what were the last thoughts in your head
Just before you took your last breath
Did you think of me?
Of the ones that love you?
Or were you so angry at the world and felt that we didn't deserve you -


It's been two weeks.

Two weeks of crying, sulking and moping,
Two weeks of disgust, anger and rage,
Two weeks of blaming myself, blaming the human race and even daring to blame God.

All my emotions, wasted, it's like I can't feel anymore.

It's Junior's day,
It's the day we say goodbye to her and I am with a heavy heart.

Sonia peeps into the room,

I give her a small smile

"How?...I don't even know what to ask, it's obvious that you're not fine...today is the day"

I sigh

"I missed this place"
I turn my eyes to the open window in the room,

I am back at Norman villa, the estate my uncle and dad built together,

When I was a child my dad told us stories of how he and his brother came to the states as immigrants from France,

He'd always talk about how hard they work to get to what they had, He'd say that everything we had was gotten through their blood and sweat, their hardwork and resilience.

I think that's the only thing I am proud of my father for, he was humble until now that he isn't anymore.

"I just want to be a child again"
I sigh
"Things weren't so bad then"

"No. Not at all"
She approaches me, her footsteps are loud and her poise is excellent,
It's not surprising that somehow Sonia has managed to maintain her elegance,
She is a classy woman, has always been will always be, Sonia has a type of class that no Norman has, I have always liked to think that she was born with it, heck, I am sure she was,

She has been still and has managed to maintain her calm throughout this chaos,
Even on the day Junior had passed, I didn't see a tear fall from her eyes, all I saw was a pool of tears that she held back as she stood still like a soldier.

"Are you ready?"
She asks

I sigh

"It was so hard to tell my kids that their aunty had passed"
She states

"I told them that she is in heaven then Zach turned to me and asked
"I thought only old people go to heaven mummy?"

The room becomes comfortably silent when she pauses

"Only old people go to heaven Hail,
not Junior, not her" she says quietly

"She was the only family I had. Why didn't she understand that?"

The Things That Will Never Go AwayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon