Chapter Seven

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Dynah Battleship, Fourth Quadrant, Andromeda Galaxy.


Zogan sat in the eating area surrounded by his men who all howled at some crass joke made by Azazel. He'd seen Mya walk into the room and his horn immediately ached. He hissed in annoyance remembering when he'd tried to warn her about his home world. Instead, he'd ended up angering her in some way. What he had said was true though, his home was rife with dangerous wildlife that would end her in a moment, and the fact that she'd willingly went so close to the Kyeet had only solidified that there was going to be great risk to her on Kozantei. It was as if she had no instincts, no warnings of imminent danger. He leaned back into his chair, grabbing his horn shaped cup and guzzled the leevine, his eyes never leaving Mya as she joined Yavik and his friends. Despite his best efforts not to, his gaze travelled over her small form. It seemed like Yavik had been successful in getting a second chance with her. Zogan's hearts warmed at the thought.

"She's fitting in nicely, isn't she?" whispered Azazel catching the direction of Zogan's gaze.

He shrugged, "I am glad, maybe Yavik will protect her when she gets to Kozantei, she will definitely need it."

Azazel looked at him, brow bones lowered in false disbelief, "The human female needs protection? Who would've thought!? I give her five solars before she begs to leave." He guffawed loudly, it turned into a wheeze when Zogan thwacked him hard in the chest. Azazel rubbed at his chest while glaring at his commander who coolly drank from his cup.

A loud beeping sound interrupted the conversations that filled the lunchroom. Zogan was instantly on his feet and moving towards the control room with Azazel close on his heels. In the control room the scanners showed a large blip positioned straight ahead. It was a ship, whether ally or foe was still to be determined. Zogan called for a clear visual. His tongue vibrated in dismay as he realized it was in fact the ship of one of their most trusted allies, the Qai. Why was their ship hovering on the edge of the flying path?

"Can you communicate?" Zogan asked. His eyes were fixed onto the diagnostics screen as it lit up, listing the damage the ship had sustained from live fire. It suffered with two destroyed engines, both of which were leaking fuel into the vessel. His communication tech shook his head, tampering with the controls to try to pick up any comm airways that were projected from the vessel.

Azazel who was studying the screens closely and manipulating it to study the graphics that showed the damaged Qai ship said, "The leaking fuel will cause an explosion if not dealt with."

Zogan grunted, he'd already calculated that possibility. "Is there anyone on board?"

His comm tech nodded, altering the scanners to show the glowing spots identified in the ship as living sentient organisms. They were numerous.

"Why aren't they communicating? Try again."

"Sir it seems that the communication antennae has been destroyed in the blast."

Zogan growled, if there were people on board it would be their responsibility to evacuate the ship as the protectors of the fourth quadrant and long-standing allies of the Qai. He locked eyes with Azazel, his weapons specialist; the same thought had entered his mind.

"It could be a trap laid by the Ajal." Azazel's face was grave.

"Do the scanners pick up any nearby ships?" Zogan asked as he moved to issue an order to his rescue team on board.

"No sir, there are none in the vicinity."

Azazel looked at him with raised brow bones, no indication of ships did not mean it wasn't a trap. He agreed whole heartedly but they had no choice, they could not leave innocent Qai to die when they had the means to help them.

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