Chapter Nineteen

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Dynah Battleship, Fourth Quadrant, Andromeda Galaxy.


"You do realize that you're going to rub away the lining on your horn if you keep that up?" Mya plopped into a chair beside Zogan.

He'd been rubbing at it, it dutifully pulsed with pain, he was beyond stressed. He looked at his mate and a small smile twisted his mouth.

She was clothed in warrior wear, the solid black and cobalt blue lined combat suit, gloves, and boots. All of which was completed with his family's crest woven into the fabric and boldly placed on her left chest. They weren't to be mated until this mission was completed but he'd be damned if he couldn't let the universe know that he'd been granted the gift of finding his mate. Her hair pulled away from her face with a high plaited braid that hung over her shoulder.

She looked at him, thoroughly amused. He was not, his gut had not settled even when they'd decided on the course of actions to be taken when they arrived at the Zon hive-quarters. It had taken two solars since Mya's passing of the trial for Ravanna to come up with a plan that he'd finally approved of.

The single-minded beasts lived in a large structure that orbited the remains of their destroyed home planet. Inside was dark and insidious and the thought of Mya entering it sent every warning bell inside of him pealing at their loudest strengths. He would be nearby but sometimes being nearby was not enough. His horn pulsed again, spiked pains running through it. Cursing he leaned back into his chair.

"It cannot be rubbed away Esaie." He used his special name for her, it did not have a translation in her earth language so he'd had to explain to her as best he could that it meant that she was his gift, his love, his equal and so much more. He reached for her pulling her onto his lap. She came willingly.

"What bothers you babe?"

His head cocked at the strange name that she'd taken to calling him, he still did not understand why they called loved ones after a youngling on earth.

"You know, but we promised to not speak of it anymore... to avoid any fights."

"Ahhh... I see."

She looked down at him from her perch. She started rubbing at his horn slowly, knowing fully well that if she did it would take his mind elsewhere, she could touch him anywhere and it would distract him, ferociously. One hand roamed into his hair and tangled in his locs while she leaned down to take his lip between hers and run her tongue over it lazily. She was cunning, this one.

"Aishh! What is wrong with your quarters? Must you desecrate every room within the ship?" Nezerra exclaimed as she stalked into the ship council room.

Zogan glared at her, pupils narrowing into tiny slits, but Mya laughed loudly and slapped his chest, "That is something we plan to do, yes." She wiggled her brow bone, the rows of hairs on them dancing from the gesture.

She hopped down from his lap leaving him feeling bereft and his cock twitched at the abandonment. Mya grinned, knowing exactly what she had caused, and he groaned, shifting in his seat. He'd truly come into the council room to go over the plans they'd made and to check the latest hologram projections they'd procured from their allies, of the hive-quarters. He'd been checking to ensure that passageways were where they were supposed to be including exits incase anything went wrong. But he'd been fully prepared to please her against the table despite his duties.

"Does everything look good?" Nezerra asked as she pulled up a chair beside him looking over the projections that sprang out from the table before them.

The room was darkened with only the light from the transparent screens filling the room. He knew Mya could only see the screens, bare outlines, and his glowing eyes but he could see everything perfectly, the walls, the floors and even his and Mya's kyeets that lay slumbering in the corner. He'd realized to his horror that human eyesight was not as good as his species'. It had been yet another thing for him to worry about.

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