Chapter Twenty Five

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The Sacred Forest, Kozantei, Andromeda Galaxy.


Mya's breath left her in an audible gasp as she entered the secret grove. There were draped flowers everywhere she looked. They swayed in the gentle breeze and were lit by the suns' rays as they began their descent across the sky. The flowers were sprays of rainbow; reds, blues, yellows, oranges and countless others all creating a kaleidoscope effect.

It was breath taking.

They formed a circular cocoon around a clearing. As she walked through the entrance her eyes passed over a gorgeous natural fountain in the center of the space and snagged on Zogan who stood before it. His parents stood behind him, along with his sisters Mara and Nezerra. Nezerra flashed her fangs with a grin at her approach. There was no blood family present for Mya, she swallowed the sadness that bloomed at the thought. Yavik stood beside her though with Ravanna and Azazel there for her too, the latter winked at her as she walked forward. He'd obviously learned the action from Yavik who was now a hoarder of a myriad of human gestures and reactions. These people were her chosen family and soon she would gain another by name. She looked over at them and smiled, the Queen's slitted eyes vibrated with emotion and the King bared his fangs in a smile at her.

She looked at her mate as she stood before him, he was dressed in the royal tunic. A stunning blue beautifully embroidered masterpiece that fit every swell and dip of his muscled body. His family's crest was emblazoned on his chest.

Her soon to be crest as well.

Her dress matched his tunic, a deep, rich blue. Woven into it were the Nynsar snakes of his family crest writhing in the lace like material. The dress was fitted to her slightly curved body, cupping and lifting her breasts and flared at the knees, sweeping the floor behind her. She'd asked for the design specifically, always liking the ones she'd seen in the older earth magazines she'd seen at her old school. Zogan reached for her hand, and she slid her small fingers between his, intertwining them together.

"We stand before the setting suns of Kozantei, to bind these mates before beloved family and friends," began the King. The binding and markings were always carried out by family. "It is truly an honor to witness my son marry the female of his dreams, one who has travelled across the stars to come to us."

Zogan smiled down at her, his hand tightening around hers.

"Zogan, have you chosen your token marking for you mate?" his father looked to him, they looked so similar.

"I have."

The king looked to her, "Have you chosen your token marking for your mate?"

"I have." she squeezed her mate's hand.

They were led to plush seats near the fountain on the side were various laid out tools would be used to add the markings to their bodies. The ones for her were totally different to Zogan's as his scales needed much sharper and larger instruments.

Azazel stood behind Zogan, taking up the tool and dipping it into the fountain before them. It glimmered when it was withdrawn. Nezerra did the same behind Mya. She had decided to get the mark across her back. A fierce dragon, there was nothing that she felt fit her mate better.

A beast, that was loyal, fierce, and dangerous to an enemy. Wise and powerful and magical. She didn't know what he had chosen, as the marks were kept secret only to be revealed during the mating night. Nezerra worked tirelessly at her back, the suns sinking below the lines of the trees, the light giving way to the pale silver beams of the moons and the dancing colors of the night skies. When the work was finished it was washed with the waters of the fountain. Something in the composition of it causing the marks to set and stay instantly. Like her trial markings. They stood and Nezerra wrapped a soft fabric around Mya to hide her work.

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