Chapter four

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The Elder's Sanctuary, Fourth Quadrant, Andromeda Galaxy.

Amaryah saw a large planet, colored a rich cobalt blue with swirling masses of large white clouds covering the surface in patches. The vessel moved then, shaking her so much her head spun, and she had to shut her eyes against the gorgeous view for the whole trip. It was loudly announced that the vessel had landed. Really, she didn't need the announcement, she could tell from the huge pressure that had settled in her chest when they were descending, she'd fought to hold down her berries and meat feast she'd had from earlier, focusing on not spewing it over the dozen empty seats near where she'd been seated. Her seatbelts retracted and she stood shakily gripping the seat and rubbing her head until she felt she could stand on her own. Yavik joined her and led her toward an illuminated door at the end of her seat row.

"Where is everyone else?" She asked.

Yavik's fimbriae folded in on themselves, "They are afraid of you and have chosen to sit in another area."

Amaryah stared at the fimbriae, did that upset it? Was it mad at her? She shrugged, 'What did it matter anyway?' She was soon to be judged for a crime she hadn't even known she'd committed. They thudded down the brightly lit enclosed bridge. It opened to a flurry of activity that had Amaryah very overwhelmed, there were different species everywhere, so much so that she didn't know where to look. A feathered golden creature caught her eye as it dragged its bags behind it and there was a creature that was translucent, you could see its hearts beating and all of its organs. Amaryah stared fascinated.

Yavik clicked his tongue, "Staring is impolite!"

Amaryah looked away and continued on, it seemed they were in an alien airship docking space. All the creatures had luggage of some type and were busily moving along to their various destinations. The place was filled with voices and languages so numerous that she couldn't make sense of them.

Yavik caught up to two other Nvit who eyed Amaryah nervously, as they pulled open the door to what looked like a sleeker version of the hovercars back on earth. Amaryah's mind began to sift through the ways in which such a car was programmable, she wanted to see what made them function. Inside was plush with four long seats around each side of the car, in the center was a shimmering tub that Yavik fiddled with until a pink beverage was produced. She watched as he drank it all and patted his stomach.

"How can I understand you all? How can I breathe?"

The other Nvit jumped at her voice, Yavik was the one who answered," We implanted you with the birth virus, it will cause your body's cells to evolve allowing you to become fluent in the known universe's languages and allow you to efficiently breathe most air compositions within our universe."

Amaryah tried to ignore the icy feeling running down her spine. She'd always hated learning about small organisms she couldn't see, knowing an alien one was inside her kind of freaked her out a bit.

"I couldn't understand some species back there."

"It works slowly, it should be finished in about three more quints of Quadrant four standard time, it is usually given to all fourth quadrant offspring at birth."

Amaryah looked out the window at the people they sped by who were greeting others in an excited manner. "I have no idea how long that is, but -"

The car chimed and slid to a smooth stop. The doors opened.

They were smack dab in the middle of a bustling city, but all details drained away as Amaryah looked up at the gargantuan, menacing T shaped structure before her. It seemed to absorb any sunlight with its dark stone and all noise from the surroundings seemed to end here. It was in the shape of a hollowed-out T, with the center housing a large dark statue of what appeared to be a slender alien female reaching her arms towards the sun. The walls of the structure were rugged and jarring, as if warning all who dared to enter that they were not safe there. Yavik and his colleagues started forward. Amaryah's eyes darted to them and back to the structure, and Yavik gently pulled her forward, her feet moving of their own accord at the urging. They presented some sort of identification to a thing that was covered in a heavy red cowl jacket. She could see no face within the cowl but felt eyes follow her every move as she scampered in behind Yavik. They walked briskly down a corridor, its engraved floors the color of freshly spilt blood, accentuated by golden walls. The walk was way too short for Amaryah, who had not been able to gain control of her heart palpitations. They'd entered a medium sized room that housed three golden chairs and a finely made large throne, located on a raised platform, on it sat a being that took Amaryah's breath away.

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