Chapter Eleven

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Kozantei, Fourth Quadrant, Andromeda galaxy.


Zogan sighed as he looked over his suit in the reflector. He wore a deep blue tunic and pants, both embroidered with gold trimmings, his mother had it specially made for his return celebration. He shook his head as he fastened the family's crest onto his right chest, she really loved to plan celebrations, and the day he decided to mate he could only imagine the lengths she would go to for the after-mating ritual. He had to find a mate first though, and that was another story. The females he'd bedded in the past were all just that, something for him and them to find pleasure in. He'd never felt anything more than a physical connection, no matter how much they'd tried to lure him into a relationship of more meaning. He didn't want a female who would lay down everything for him, someone who would willing lose herself just to become a belonging, which was what he'd seen in them all. They wanted the status of the royal family but not the responsibilities, he needed someone who would be able to rule at his side and not one whose only interest was glutting themselves on the perks that came along with his lineage. He hissed, of course his mother had asked him if he'd found anyone during his travels, the same question she asked him every time he returned as if he were away perusing the females of the galaxy. He was trying to win a war and keep the quadrant safe. His left horn ached as Mya flashed in his mind's eye and he hissed again. Fllt – his tongue shot out.

He left his quarters and walked toward the great hall, thinking of the refugees he'd brought with him, hopefully they'd be able to rest and heal before they headed back to their home world. He'd briefed his father on all that had happened, it was fact that he'd taken over all war leadership from his father, but he still liked to run things past him. His father had after all been the greatest commander in all of Andromeda, before Zogan had reached adulthood and proven his prowess too.

His mother smiled when she saw him and hooked her arm into his, his Father went before them into the room where the celebration was held. Loud calls and whoops filled the hall when he entered, the room was filled to capacity, as it always was whenever there were celebrations held at the palace. Everyone was invited; no doubt there'd be revelers in the courtyards, gardens, and the waterfront. There were many different species present, his home world was diverse as the Kozan had many allies, powerful ones and vowed to protect those who were unable to do it for themselves – all of them had free passage to the planet. He began to move throughout the room with his mother on his arm, greeting and thanking all those who had made an appearance, making sure to remind them that his warriors were just as responsible for their safety as much he was. He carefully avoided the females that tried to catch his eye, for some reason he was not at all interested, they suddenly seemed tiresome in comparison too- he shook his head to clear it immediately as he realized where and to whom that dangerous thought was headed. His mother eventually left him to speak to the nobles of another world and he immediately looked for Ravanna. His friend was seated in one of the circular cushion seats located in the center of the room, grabbing two cups of leevine he headed over and sat next to him.

"I hate these gatherings, it's always a security risk." Ravanna said gruffly, taking the offered glass from Zogan who inclined his head in understanding. Ravanna was his Logistics lieutenant, it was always hard for him to take a day off -thankfully. He'd saved Zogan's life many times due to that inability to rest. The prince settled into the chair and relaxed, eyeing those dancing and talking around the room while sipping from his cup.

He smelled her before he saw her, she smelt of the Gruut Gruut but there was an underlying sweet spice and smoky nut smell. His senses had been become much attuned to her from their time together. He scanned the room and almost choked when he saw her, she was swaying her hips and laughing with Nezerra and Yavik. She wore a sleeveless wrapping that left little to the imagination. It was skintight, black and had lace depictions of slithering Nynsar serpents on it, the dress was representative of his family crest. He couldn't look away from the slits that flashed her hazel legs whenever she moved a certain way.

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