Chapter Thirty

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Dynah Battleship, Third Quadrant, Andromeda Galaxy.


The ship buzzed with activity, everyone scuttled around busy with one task or another. They were on The Dynah, as it currently sped toward the first quadrant. Her stomach was a ball of knots. She'd been visiting the library and meeting with Mara to discuss what she should expect, she didn't want any big surprises. She wanted to be an asset and not a hindrance to her unit. Mara had helped her immensely with information that she'd wanted to know, apparently, she had an unending patience when it came to discussing battle. The serious and intimidating warrior was warming up to her as they spent more time together. Her smiles were still a rare thing though.

Mya was currently with Nezerra who paced a room in the medic bay. She'd been busy helping Yavik prepare for any casualties that would occur during the attack and had been caught unawares when Nezerra stomped into the, gripped her arm and dragged her way.

"I can't believe they still want to treat me like a youngling!" she walked the length of the small cubicle.

Mya watched warily from the corner of the room, allowing Nezerra to vent.

"I want to be in the battle, I want to defend my home." she spat a curse and turned toward Mya, "Can you talk to him about this?"

Mya inhaled sharply; this was not a fight she wanted to be involved in. "Nezze, you know he's trying to keep you safe... and you're head of negotiations and resolutions, you could be needed on the ship."

Nezerra eyes narrowed, "I can fight, very well... and... well...Quang can take care of it."

"Quang?" Mya's interest was piqued, it was the same Vorreth that she'd seen her talking with at her post-mating celebration.

Nezerra looked down, suddenly coy, "Yes, he is the emissary for his home world, our ally. He can step in for negotiations if need be."

Mya hummed in agreement, taking note of the change in Nezerra's demeanor when speaking about Quang, "Talk to Azazel about it, if he convinces Mara then you're good to go."

Nezerra groaned and flopped into a soft chair near a resting pod, it skidded backwards from her weight, "I am just as capable as all of them, and I am going to fight this time no matter what."

Nezerra shot up from her chair and left the room as Mya was formulating a response. She sighed and shook her head. She'd tried to have the conversation with Zogan about his little sister and it had not gone anywhere. He believed Nezerra was safest on the ship and Mara was worse. She wanted Nezerra at home safely with their parents. But Mya knew that Azazel was the only one who could sway the ruthless lieutenant and she was certain that if Nezerra got to him he would find a way to get her onto the battlefield with her sister's blessing.

She left the cubicle and rejoined Yavik relaying the situation to him, he immediately responded with a suggestion that she go to Ravanna.

Mya smiled, "How are you and Ravanna?"

She couldn't resist meddling, she just had to know.

Yavik's fimbriae gave a little jig, and his cheeks dusted a dark pink, "We are well."

Oh, he is so cute and easy to read, thought Mya, her smile spreading as she worked on organizing the medical supplies before her. "Is he treating you well? Is it official yet? Did you-"

Yavik laughed, "He is really something, very different I'll tell you that."

"But...?" prompted Mya, her cheesy smile still in place was mirrored by Yavik who had learned a great deal of expressions from her.

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