Chapter Thirty Five

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Dynah Battleship, First Quarter, Andromeda Galaxy.


Mya sat as still as she could manage as a medic glued her shoulder shut. Yes, glued. Nezerra lay on a bed nearby, out cold. The medic had put her to sleep to scan for any cranial injuries from her trauma and more so to give her rest. She'd begun crying and shivering uncontrollably when she arrived in the med bay. The medic claimed it to be shock and after it had grown to become hysterical gave her something to knock her out.

Mya winced but her attention was wholly fixed on the comm pad in her hands. It showed a direct feed of what could be seen in the control room through the viewing screen. She scanned it for any sign of Zogan and Mara. They were the ones their ship waited for now. Their allies had pulled back after being given the green light to leave by Ravanna when they'd returned. Everyone wanted to be as far away from the life engine when it exploded including the Kozan. But they still waited, their commander and lieutenant weren't there, and they planned to wait for as long as they could. Ravanna and Azazel had estimated how long they had for the destruction of the life engine. It amounted to ten more minutes; a timer counted down at the corner of her screen. Her breath came in shallow pants as she stared at the screen.

"Come on come on come on!!" she muttered as if her urges would be heard by her mate.

Something silver glinted on the bottom screen and Mya stood, forgetting about the medic working on her arm and bolted out of the medic bay, through the winding hallways and skidded to a halt in the control room. The hologram flashed red as it identified the flying object. Enemy. Her heart sank as she looked at the screen. The warriors on weapons duty clicked in commands and a soft chirring started up.

Azazel sprang to his feet. "Wait!"

His subordinates paused in their actions. Mya stepped closer to him and peered at the screen. The silver ship flew erratically, bouncing around unsteadily. It was as if its pilot had never flown before. Mya's breath caught as they zoomed in on the vessel. Through the translucent protective shield, she saw two shapes.

"Flash them." she ordered.

The warriors obeyed and flickered the lights on the hull of the ship in a series of patterns. The pilot of the ship stuck their hand out of a missing side plate and waved it frantically. The ship swayed precariously as if about to fall into the abyss below. A short laugh leapt from Mya and tears streamed down her face. Azazel just stared, his throat spasming with his swallows, his grip tight on the small projector before him.

"Ready for static travel." came Ravanna's calm voice. He sat in the commander's chair in Zogan's absence. Always assured, calm and measured in stressful circumstances.

A loud wail began to build as his commands were followed. The timer at the side of the screen flashed red emitting a sharp beep. They were almost out of time; Mya's brain did the calculations and saw that there were only five minutes left.

"Transport them in." Azazel's voice quivered.

Ravanna nodded, "On it."

Mya looked on as the small silver ship dipped again, tipping sideways. It flickered and disappeared before it could completely turn over. There was a loud thunk and a faint vibration that travelled through the Dynah. Mya turned to head to the docking centers to go find her mate.


The lights dimmed and she was knocked onto her back. The movement of the ship blasting her against the floor, some unseen force holding her to it, pressing her very bones onto the ground. Her skin felt as if it were being peeled from her bones. She'd been warned about the unpleasantness of static travel. It seemed as if it had been under explained to her. The wound on her shoulder pulsed as if something were trying to rip it open again. She grunted and sank her fingers into the grooves of the floor, trying to hold still under whatever forces worked to propel them away from Seethkar and the first Quarter. She watched as the screen blurred, everything streaking past in such a hurry that any object that they passed by registered as indistinguishable blob bleeding into the surroundings. The ship shuddered violently as if it would break apart as it ran away from the life engine and its death grip.

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