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Draco brought me breakfast in bed, on a silver tray. It's a good thing he's with me and I know I can be relaxed, otherwise, I wouldn't be comfortable in the middle of all this luxury I'm unfamiliar with. When we're done, we lie in bed and hug. I caress his chest, running my hand down and playing with the elastic of his boxers.

"Don't tease me, Trouble"
he says, smiling

I bat my eyelashes

My fingers trail down a bit.

"You know exactly why"
he says

Before I can stroke his member, he grabs my wrist and moves quickly on top of me, placing a hand on my neck, gently.

"Do you think it's fun being a bad girl?"
he asks me, close to my lips

"Yes, very"
I affirm, cleverly.

Before he can press his lips to mine, we hear footsteps approaching the door to the room, and then someone knocks.

"Dobby, get lost"
Draco growls, nervously.

"Mr. Malfoy..."
Dobby says, staying outside the door
"Your parents are here."

We are petrified. We have no idea how to react. He gets out of bed, opens the door, and Dobby says they're driving down the gravel driveway in the car. We look out the window and see them, then Draco asks Dobby to run to stop them as best he can.

"Draco, let's use materialization and go back to Hogwarts"
is the only thing I can think of.

He shakes his head
"They'll see my car"
he reminds me
"And they'll see the dishes in the kitchen and the table is already set for two"

I stand up, I have no idea what to do. From the window we see Dobby trying to stop Draco's parents, with little success.

"Stay here"
he says, putting his hands on my hips
"I'll try to think of something..."

I shake my head
"Draco, I don't want you to do this alone and I don't want them to get mad at you"

He kisses me and holds me close. That would be cowardly, but I'd rather run to push back a moment that should never have come. He caresses my face and then walks out of the room to meet his parents halfway. I get dressed quickly because I know I need to talk to them, and I can't do that in my pajamas. I just put on some mascara and watch Draco's parents come in through the window. I nervously walk around the room with shaking hands, thinking about who I can ask for advice, but I realize that I'm completely lonely right now. Dobby enters Draco's room and continues to apologize for not being able to stall for longer, then we hear a scream.

is Lucius
"Bring our guest here".

I would feel better if I had to go to a face to face encounter with Satan himself. I look at Dobby and follow him slowly, trying to take a deep breath and not panic, though I would like to know what Draco told him or if they somehow already know everything. When I arrive in the living room, Lucius is sitting at the head of the table, with his wife to his right and Draco to his left, almost shaking. I stop at the other end of the table and Draco looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Did you really think no one would tell me about this ... story?"
Lucius looks at me, knowing he's in an advantageous position.

I have to try and control my big mouth and make sure I don't piss them off any more than they already are because I care too much about Draco. Lucius stands up. I look him in the eye because the only thing I can do is convince him that I'm not afraid of him, even though I'm shaking inside.

Rewrite the Stars ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now