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DISCLAIMER: I'll probably invent something about flight and Quidditch, please don't hate me
🔴WARNING: mature scene ahead 🔴


three days later [Friday]

I haven't seen Draco since he hugged me.
His friend Blaise has replaced him as tutor but he refuses to explain things to me and only opens his mouth to insult me. Last evening at dinner I almost slapped him. Luckily Professor Lupin took me away from him and pretended he needed to talk to me about some things for class and I calmed down. I didn't ask him to, but I know Lupin didn't talk to Dumbledore about my family. In the days that Draco hasn't shown up, I've talked to Professor Lupin about how much I hate studying with Blaise, and he finds lots of excuses for me to study with him and Harry, with whom I get along very well. Thanks to them, I have made a lot of progress on the programs of different subjects and they keep me updated on how the research is going to understand why I have the magic gene, even if they are at a dead end. They were able to trace my ancestors back to the 10th century, but none of them has had a single interaction with a wizard or witch. But the weird thing, more than anything, is why it didn't come out that I was a witch until I was 18... they doubt they'll ever understand. Even though I've explained to them that Draco doesn't want to tell his father about what happens to me, Harry and Professor Lupin don't want him to know certain things, partly because they're afraid he'll report it to others who would then talk with his father. For the same reason, they avoid telling everything to Dumbledore, who would then tell everything to Draco, or to the Hogwarts Board of Governors, which includes some of Lucius' friends. I was told that it was Lucius who pressured Draco to understand my story since he is no longer in that group. This afternoon the Quidditch game Oliver told me about, took place and many of the former students are already there. From what Oliver told me, during his school days, the Gryffindor and Slytherin teams were the two most competitive, so everyone will be at their best for today's game. I'll be watching the match from the stands with Hermione, at least that way I won't be in the middle of all the Slytherin students while cheering on the opposing team. Harry will be the Seeker, Fred and George will be the beaters, and Ron, who has left the role of keeper to Oliver, will be one of the three chasers. At this point, I don't know if Draco will be the seeker for the Slytherin team since no one has seen him since Tuesday. I heard Pansy say he was sick and didn't want to see anyone, so he must have been in his room the whole time.
After lunch, Hermione and I walk out of the locker room to wish the boys good luck for the game. As soon as I see Oliver, I put my arms around his neck and kiss him.

He smiles softly
"Well hello, love..."
he kisses me again

Love? Did he just calls me 'love'? That pet name warms my heart... He realizes what he just said and looks at me with slight concern.

"Is... is it okay if-"
he stutters

"Of course."
I smile at him.

He caresses my cheek.

"Ready for the match?"
I ask him, placing my hands on his chest

He nods enthusiastically. He can't wait to get started. He loves this sport and I can't wait to see him play. I wish Harry, the twins, and Ron good luck too, then I let them get ready and tell Oliver I'll see him after the game. Hermione and I walk into the stands and take our seats. After a few minutes, the commentator's voice rings out all over the field, welcoming the seven Slytherin boys and the seven Gryffindor boys. All the students go into a frenzy, while the boys fly on their brooms over our heads. I see Oliver looking for me, and when he finds me, I wave at him and raise my thumb. He seems like a wild animal finally returned to its natural habitat after years in captivity. They stand in a circle, the flying teacher below them asks if the Slytherin team has a replacement for the Seeker. Shortly after this question, Draco enters the field and positions himself just above his teammates and in front of Harry. Even from a distance, I can see the pronounced dark circles under his eyes. I wonder what he's been up to lately... The flying professor encourages a fair game, then opens a box, out of which come out two balls and a golden snitch, which begin to fly across the Quidditch pitch at high speed. Then the teacher throws another ball in the air and the game begins. The boys fly close to each other in frantic and extremely fast movements. There is no shortage of shoves and shoulder bumps, and when the first Slytherin player tries to score in one of the three rings, Oliver promptly blocks the ball. I just look at him, entranced by how he's playing. At a certain point, my attention is captured by Draco, who loses control of his broom. He can fly very well, something is wrong here... Hermione and I look around, then I see the two Gryffindor team reserves, using a spell to control Draco's broom. Even though Hermione tries to stop me, I walk out of the stands and run to them, to the edge of the field.

Rewrite the Stars ; Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz