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🔴WARNING: mature scene ahead 🔴


He draws me to him in a long kiss. His lips have a new taste tonight... It should be so wrong, and yet I feel like I can breathe again. I don't care if I never get to hold his hand in the hallways or kiss him in front of everyone, I just want to be okay and I want him to be okay too. It won't be easy, but nothing in my life has ever been easy.

"Merry Christmas"
I smile at him as I see it's midnight

He reaches into an inside pocket of his jacket and takes out a flat, square box. He hands it to me, but I push it back slightly and keep it closed.

"No. I didn't buy you anything ..."
I hadn't even thought about it.

He opens the box to reveal a silver bracelet with some black beads and moon shaped charms.

"One of the meanings of Layla is night, did you know that?"

"One of the meanings, uh?"
I want to know more

"It can also mean dark beauty or intoxicating"

I look at him enraptured. Did he really checked the meaning of my name?

"Whereas Zysk is a nickname the Poles gave to someone who was a cunning opportunist"

I laugh
"So I'm a cunning opportunist who operates in the night?"

"Don't forget you're intoxicating..."
he comes close to my lips again
"At least to me"

We kiss one more time and the only thing I can think about is seeing him happy. He takes off his jacket and puts it on my shoulders.

"You were freezing..."
he caresses my cheek.

I shrug and he turns me around and hugs me from behind. He confides to me that this is his favourite place in all of Hogwarts. While he's looking at the lake below us, I look the bracelet he gave me.

"You didn't have to..."
I smile
"Thank you"

he says, resting his forehead on my head
"Don't ever thank me..."

I don't want to ask him why. With him, I'm always careful to never ruin the moment because I know I could do it with my stupid questions. He explains to me that the name "Draco" comes from the constellation of the dragon and Malfoy comes from the Old French "Mal" and "Foy", meaning "bad" and "faith".

"Perfect for you"
I mock him.

I never thought I'd see him smile so often. We both decide to head back to the party, trying to act as nothing happened and mostly avoiding other people seeing us together.

"Don't dance too close to other guys..."
he whispers to me before entering the Great Hall
"You're too beautiful."

I shake my head and suppress a smile
"You're not bad yourself, Malfoy..."

He takes advantage of the fact that everyone is dancing to pull me towards him by the wrist and hold it tightly

"Tonight you're mine."

He leaves me immediately and I feel my stomach upside-down. I try to see Hermione amongst the people and join her. We dance together until our feet hurt, then we sit down at a table. Fred and George are tipsy and make me laugh, Harry is still dancing with his girlfriend who is Ron's sister. Ron sits with us and takes the opportunity to eat some dessert. As the slow dance begins, I stay at the table alone, as Hermione goes to dance with Ron and the twins have invited two girls to dance with them. Out of the corner of my eye I see Draco outside in the Great Hall arguing with Blaise and Goyle and I'd like to go and hear what they're saying, but I have no excuse to do so. After a while they come back and Draco is definitely not calm. He searches for me with his eyes but when he finds me, a boy is standing in front of me and asks me to dance with him.

Rewrite the Stars ; Draco MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora