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🔴WARNING: mature scene ahead 🔴


I've been listening to Oliver all morning, justifying himself for what he said yesterday. He should have gone to his apartment half an hour ago, but instead, he just stutters nonsense. I stop him with a kiss and then stroke his cheek.

"Ollie, it's okay ... let's just forget about this and move on"
I smile at him.

He nods, still a little worried
"I really like you, I don't want to ruin everything."
He says to me

"You haven't ruined anything, don't think about it."
I try to convince myself of my own words
"Now go or your roommates will worry".

He laughs nervously then he gets in the car and I go back to my room.
I don't think he ruined everything, he just scared me a bit, but I guess it can happen to anyone to say rash things in certain situations.
I don't know...
I text Draco that we have to go to Potions class at four, but he doesn't answer me. The important thing is that he knows that.
I study alone in my room before lunch. Draco and I haven't spoken since we hugged, so I don't even know how to act. I don't even want to imagine what his father said to him yesterday...
He doesn't show up at lunch and I'm not surprised. After I'm done, I go for a walk with Fred and George and when we meet Ron, Hermione and Harry, Ron is mortified by what happened yesterday and when we explain to the boys what happened, the twins start laughing. Actually, it might be kind of funny... too bad it's not.
I don't want to be locked in a classroom alone with Draco for who knows how long because of detention that, frankly, I don't deserve. By 5 to 4, I'm already standing outside the classroom waiting for the professor.

"What were you thinking yesterday?"
Snape says to me as soon as he arrives without saying goodbye
"Don't ever do something like that again, you're not a hero Miss Zysk"

They all seem crazy to me.
At this point, it is also useless to argue when a good deed is made to look like a gesture that had to be avoided at all costs. While he's explaining to me what to do, Draco arrives, visibly annoyed and sits down away from me.
Snape explains in broad terms the potion we need to prepare and also tells us that he will be busy with other professors so he warns us that he will put a spell to the door to block it and that we have three hours to complete the potion.

"If you finish early, you can always clean up the classroom."
He tells us and then leaves.

Piton closes the door and now it's just me, Draco and the silence. It's a potion I didn't even read about in the book, I don't know where to start. I didn't even think to take the book with me, so I look to see if it's around here somewhere. Draco is sitting there, as usual, with a book in his hand. I don't want to start arguing now, but if he thinks he's going to do nothing for three hours, he's wrong. I find the book and start looking up how to make Alihotsy Draught a potion that if drunk causes hysterical laughter. I take everything that is necessary but I can't find the Alihotsy leaves.

"You could help me Mr. read-all-the-time, you know?".
I grumble

He doesn't even look up.
"Why should I?"

"Are you for real?"
I look at him.
"You're really..."

I don't even know what to say.

He stands up
"Go on"
he looks me up and down
"What am I?"
he asks

I shake my head and continue searching for the Alihotsy leaves.
Nervously, I move the various containers around in a glass showcase but find nothing.
As soon as I turn around, Draco closes the small glass door putting his arms over my shoulders.

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