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WARNING: I am Italian, English is not my first language. I did my best to write this fanfiction... please have mercy on me and if there are any mistakes, please forgive me and don't hesitate to correct me! If you haven't read "explanation before reading" please go and read it...


I slept only three hours: I did not finish packing everything till very late, and then I could not sleep for how excited I was. I am going to Hogwarts with a big suitcase, a bag for all my shoes, and my personal bag. I have never managed to take just the essentials before, but that is not a problem because I know how to handle these bags. I literally take everything I own because I always feel like if I don't pack even the most stupid things, I'll end up need them somehow. However... who can sleep knowing they are going to a magic school?
I am ready: Makeup, hair, outfit, it's all done.
I am wearing a white shirt, along with a black skirt, thigh-highs, and black high-heeled boots that I have always wanted to wear but never have.
I grab a coffee because I need to be wide awake on this great day and when I walk into the kitchen, my parents wake up. I don't want to talk to them until Mr. and Mrs. Weasley come to pick me up because I just want to say goodbye to them for a whole year. This may sound sad, but one of the best part of this situation is that I will not see them for a while, and that is exactly what I needed. We sit in silence, drink our coffee and eat our breakfast, then I put all my bags next to the door as I see it's quarter to 8. One last check and I think I'm completely ready.

"Don't you think that shoes are inappropriate?"
my mum asks, almost disgusted.

She never liked the way I dress because she thinks it's 'too much'. The same goes for the way I do my makeup. I'm never going to be the daughter she dreamed of, so she usually makes me feel like there's something wrong with me, even though I know there is not. It's just hard to keep that in mind sometimes.

"I think they're perfect"
and I mean it.
"Can you just say goodbye without judging me for once?"

I put more mascara on my lashes just to piss her off. And maybe this is my way of saying she doesn't control me. My dad comes over and tells me that they are excited for me to go to Hogwarts, but I know they are happy because they could make up a great story about me and what I do. I wonder what they will say.
They're not happy for me, they are happy for themselves and for our family's reputation if you can call mine a family.
I see the Wealseys' car at the end of the street and I walk out this door, I hope for the last time. My mom and dad hug me, not like they want to, but like they want to show the Weasleys that they love me. They're like this: I know them too well. Sometimes some parents are not meant to be parents.
Mr Weasley helps me with my suitcase, greets my parents and tells me I can get in the car. It's an old light blue car, with a white roof and a few dents here and there, but right now it feels like a limo to me.
As we drive off, I immediately thank them for everything they're doing for me, because I've never met such kind-hearted people, and I also take the opportunity to tell them that I'm sorry if I offended them in any way yesterday. They simply tell me not to worry and that my reaction was perfectly normal, as someone who has always lived among muggles. Maybe they are right: I don't know anything about their world, and maybe this is the right opportunity to ask a few questions, putting aside my fear of bothering them.
I don't need to say anything as they begin to explain to me how Hogwarts works.
There are four houses I could be sorted in: Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw ... That explains the symbol I saw on the envelope of the letter, and that what I thought was a mole is actually a badger. Continuing with what they said, they tell me that the decision is based on what my personality is like and that there is no house that is better than the others. Even if I'm sorted into a certain house, it doesn't mean I cannot share some of the values of the other houses. For example, they told me that generally Gryffindor are considered the brave ones, but a Hufflepuff could be just as brave. I try to keep all this information in my head. Potions, spells, wands... If this really is a dream, please don't wake me up for any reason. We arrive at a street I've never seen before, and after Mr. Weasley parks the car, we go to a pub called 'Leaky Cauldron' where many people seem to know Arthur and Molly. It's like no one notices me, maybe because even if they have never seen my face before, they know that the Weasleys could never bring a muggle here. Muggle... What a funny word...
They take me to the small backyard of the pub.

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