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WARNING: I am Italian, English is not my first language. I did my best to write this fanfiction... please have mercy on me and if there are any mistakes, please forgive me and don't hesitate to correct me! If you haven't read "explanation before reading" please go and read it...


For the first time since I can remember, I get up before I even hear the alarm clock and start getting ready. Happy birthday to me.
After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I put on my uniform, which consists of a black cloak with the Slytherin crest on the front. The lining is green, slightly darker than that of the tie. Then there's a white shirt, a black sweater and I can choose whether to wear a skirt with socks or trousers. I opt for the skirt and pair it with a pair of black Vans with a high platform.
I do my makeup as best I can and decide to add a few extra touches, inspired by the colours of my new house: besides eyeliner, I apply a very thin line of green eyeshadow under my lower lashes and instead of the usual mascara, I use a green one.
While waiting for 7 o'clock, I brush my hair and watch some videos on Youtube. I sit in the black leather armchair and plan to leave my room at ten to seven to have breakfast. The first problem of the day: how am I going to deal with breakfast by myself? I am very doubtful of making friends this morning, partly because Draco and Pansy have made me understand that I am not well accepted by anyone in this house, and I do not think I can go to the Gryffindor table to eat breakfast. Well, it's time to get out of my room because it's ten to seven.
I don't know if everyone has gone out or not, but the hallway of the dormitory is empty... Am I late or early?
I see someone sitting on one of the couches in the common room who seems to be waiting for someone, though I really hope that someone is not me.
I think I am wrong.
Draco gets up as soon as he sees me, beckons me to follow him, and I try really hard not to tell him to don't treat me like that because I don't want to ruin the morning of my birthday. Not that this day ever meant anything to me, since I have never had a reason to celebrate, but I want to at least try to stay calm.
We go to the Great Hall together and I really hope he doesn't want me sitting with him and his group, because I'd rather eat alone in a corner. We sit a little far away from the other students, maybe because he wants to save seats for his friends, and as soon as the plates are filled with breakfast, he starts eating.
If possible, I feel even more uncomfortable than I did last night because at least he spoke to me with the excuse of some explanation. I am not used to being quiet, unfortunately, I am a person who talks a lot and the silence bothers me.
I wonder how I didn't notice that this room doesn't seem to have a roof, and I'm enchanted by the view. I don't want to ask him why the sky is visible in a room that should have a roof, because I know he will not explain it to me.

"Good morning"
Dumbledore joins me and Draco and smiles at us
"Did you like our school?"
he asks me gently.

I would have preferred another guide.

"Yes, very much"
I say sincerely

He explains to me and Draco what I will be doing today: I have to meet all the professors in the staff room at 8. Dumbledore points out to me that I need to study hard and although he tells me to stay calm, I'm afraid fear of not being good enough to meet the teachers' expectations. I don't want Dumbledore to regret sending me the letter.
He tells me that I will take Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, and Herbology. Then I have a week to choose a minimum of two additional subjects between Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures.

"I hope Mr Malfoy explained to you yesterday what all these subjects are."
Dumbledore gives him a quick look and I nod, not telling him how hard it was to convince him.

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