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WARNING: I am Italian, English is not my first language. I did my best to write this fanfiction... please have mercy on me and if there are any mistakes, please forgive me and don't hesitate to correct me!


After a silent breakfast with Draco and his friends, they leave and I am alone with Draco.
It will not be easy to tell him I want to study with Oliver.
He looks down at his plate and breaks his egg with his fork into tiny pieces without eating a single bite. Even though he's not the nicest guy in the world, I don't think he's always been this gloomy. I want to try to be kind, even though my head is screaming at me to stop and not open my mouth.

"Not hungry?"
I ask him

Yesterday he ate very little and unfortunately I always notice these little things. I really want to try to have a peaceful relationship with him, since we are going to be in close contact for quite a while.
He looks at me frowning for a moment, then continues to torture the egg in front of him.
We started off on the wrong foot, but he might as well make an effort like I am doing right now.

"I'll take that as a no"
I shrug.

"You never shut up, do you?"

Sometimes I am really stupid. I shouldn't even try to talk to someone like that, because when I hear answers like that, I know very well that I can't help it and I have to bite back.

"Do you really want to spend a whole year fighting?"
I sigh

"Isn't your Griffyndor boyfriend enough for you?"
he alludes to the fact that I'm flirting with him

I widen my eyes
"Oliver is not my boyfriend, and I am just trying to be nice to you."

"Don't bother, you're just a ball and chain to me and I'll continue to treat you like one."

Again, I really am stupid.
There's no problem: does he want to keep fighting? That means we will continue to do so. I stand up telling him that I am going to study with Oliver and that I don't care if he's my tutor, I do not want to spend another second with him. I see Oliver waiting for me at the door of the Great Hall and I leave Draco with his egg.
No one's ever smiled at me like Oliver does. I don't know what happened to me... It took me three dates to let Robert kiss me, and now here I am. Oliver seems to have been sent from heaven. He really has a lot of patience in helping me study and making me memorize even the most difficult things. I'm really afraid of boring him because I'm not good at human relationships unless it's just friendship. When we decide to take a little break, he takes me to a courtyard where there is a circle of giant stones that remind me of Stonehenge. We sit there looking at the view in front of us and talk about the guys I have met so far: George, Fred, Hermione, Ron and Harry. About that, I ask Oliver how Harry got that strange scar on his forehead. He seems to change his mood completely when he hears my words.

"There's so much you don't know about this world, Layla"
he sighs and then starts to explain everything to me, even though he asks me not to say a word to anyone because he doesn't know if I'm supposed to know what he's about to say

He starts by telling me that four great wizards founded Hogwarts: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. All wizards were accepted to the school, but then Salazar Slytherin, shortly after the school was founded, had an argument with the other founders about blood purity and wanted to admit only pure-blood students. Slytherin left the school, but not before secretly building the Chamber of Secrets. He prophesied that only his own heir would be able to open it once he arrived at the school, and the heir would unleash a murderous basilisk, a giant snake, that lived inside the chamber, to purge the school of all Muggle-born students. Centuries later, the chamber was first opened by a student named Tom Riddle, who was himself a Slytherin descendant. As a Parselmouth, Riddle managed to control the basilisk and command it to attack the muggle-born students. A girl named Myrtle Elizabeth Warren was killed and Hagrid was blamed for it.
Years later, Riddle appealed to Dumbledore for the position of Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Dumbledore rejected this offer and from that day on Hogwarts was never able to keep a Defence Against Dark Arts teacher for more than a year, which was attributed by Dumbledore to a curse by Riddle. The one exception is Remus Lupin, the current teacher.
Refusing to keep his father's name, Riddle called himself Lord Voldemort and gathered a group of wizards loyal to him (the Death Eaters) and began a campaign of "purification" of the magical world from the muggle-borns. His reign of terror lasted for eleven years.
When Voldemort was at the height of his reign, he heard a prophecy from one of his Death Eaters announcing his defeat by the hand of a boy born at the end of July. Voldemort identifies the child as Harry Potter and, after killing his parents, tries to kill him, but something didn't work, and when he used the Killing Curse on Harry, it rebounded and seemingly obliterated his body. This is exactly why Harry has that scar on his forehead.
Since then, Voldemort has attacked Harry and Hogwarts two times but has always been defeated by Harry. Despite this, people continue to fear him and they are even afraid to say his name, calling him "You-Know-Who".
All of this makes me very overwrought. Although Oliver reassures me by explaining that the Chamber of Secrets has been closed and the Basilisk has been defeated, just the thought that there is a dark wizard who praises the supremacy of purebloods scares me to death.
Oliver notices this and holds me tightly in his arms.

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