Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe

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A month goes by and Mark calls me into his office. We have been civil to one another, but that's it. My boss has pushed me too far, ruined what Deidre and I had together, and I cannot forgive him for these things.

Was this Mark's plan all along? To have his security staff record what I did in the Vault with Deidre? It's not an office, because she could never leave.

He is blaming Gary for hurting her, but I don't believe him. It seems too convenient, with Mark having the perfect alibi.

Yet when I called the worried husband, he was screwing someone else. Why would he record what Deidre and I did together, if not to use it against me one day? The man is a pig, and he probably enjoys watching us, but I think it's also his leash on me. I am his pit bull after all, right? I can't break free now. I've been trying to put her out of my mind, but I worry about Dee so much. He knows I care for her. I lied, and he knows that as well, I'm sure.

Just by the way I've been acting lately, anyone could tell that I have feelings for Deidre, but she doesn't know that I love her. She believes that the entire week was all a ruse. How could she not know why I said that to him? If he knew I loved her, she would never be set free.

When I knock on the door frame, Mark looks up at me and seems like he's annoyed by my presence.

That's fine with me. I'm glad he's still angry. I am too.

"Have a seat, Joe. I will be with you in a moment." He says, then stands and walks over to his safe.

Christ, now what is he up to. I feel my blood pressure rising as he walks back with papers that resemble Deidre's contract.

He throws them on the desk, and I glare at him.

"Great job, Joe. So, this was your plan, wasn't it? You're a stupid son of a bitch. Did you think that would work?" Mark asks, and I am totally confused.

Snapping back at him, I shout, "I don't have time for your shit, Mark. Tell me what your problem is or I'm going back to my office to finish working on that fucking merger."

I'm annoyed with him and the games he plays.

Mark says, "So, you got her pregnant. Great job, Joe! Fucking great! Guess what, you are taking care of this, I'm not. What did you do, forget to wrap it up or something?"

Holy shit... It worked. She's pregnant.

He adds, "I guess you're tied to that little filly for the rest of your life!"

Mark laughs at me, and I'm in total shock.

"I... I... What did her...? When did she...? How?" I say while trying to put a coherent sentence together.

Mark sees the look on my face and starts laughing even harder.

"Oh, shit! This wasn't on purpose? Oh, now that's even funnier. Well, I hope you care for her because she wants to keep it and you're going to pay through the nose for this little fuck up." Mark says, and I'm speechless.

Not knowing what to say because I am still stunned seems to benefit me because it's helping Mark believe my lie.

"I don't understand. When did she get pregnant? How do you know it's mine?" I ask, wondering what he will come up with for a response.

He explains, "Well, Joe, I haven't fucked her in over a month, and before that, I used a condom, just in case she forgot to take the pills I bought her. I guess you rode little filly bareback, huh?"

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora