Chapter 13: The Blue Room - Amy

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Beth stops abruptly, just outside the doors, turns to me, and asks, "So what happened, and don't act like it's nothing? I have known you for far too long, so don't bullshit me. Talk to me, Amy."

I would love to pour it all out, but I can't talk about an ongoing investigation. Plus, I don't want to talk about Vin or my parents. Having to give her something, and knowing I couldn't hide it all from her, I came up with a backstory.

"Okay, I have been working on a case that has been intense." To say the least. "I have not slept very well in days because of those dreams I still have." Not a total lie. I had one the other day. "Plus, one of my friends, a co-worker, got shot in an alleyway that may contain a very detailed 20-foot naked painting of yours truly, on the wall. So, needless to say, I felt it was time to take a break, so here I am." I answered even more convincingly than I thought possible.

Of course, it's all pretty much true.

Beth grabs me and hugs me again.

"Wow, 20 foot huh, who the hell... Goddamn, Kevin?" Beth bursts out, but I have no proof.

I answer, "Well, I don't know, but the painting looks a lot like me and the bracelet matches mine to a tee. I could feel everyone looking at me, that was working the crime scene."

She says, "I am so sorry Amy, but I may have a solution to one of those problems."

Instantly, I look at her in complete confusion.

"What do you mean... which one... Oh Lord, what are you up to Beth?" I ask while waiting for the other shoe to drop.

She immediately turns, and we walk inside the Vista. We enter the lobby, and I am completely astounded. This place is so amazingly beautiful and so elegant. Standing here, I take it all in and then realize that I haven't said a word.

My best friend asks, "So, are you surprised? Like I would manage a tacky sex club."

She laughs and knows I would never think that in a million years.

Beth then adds, "I am proud of this place and what we have achieved. This club is spectacular, flourishing, and luxurious. You, my dear, are going to love it here and you may never want to leave."

She says this with a wicked smile, and I'm still waiting to hear what she has in store for me.

I have an idea, but until she says the words, I will not panic.

"You told me about the club, but I'll admit, this is way more lavish than I even thought possible. This place is gorgeous Beth." I exclaim while looking around.

She takes me on a brief tour of the ground floor, and it's fabulous. Once inside, they transport you back to the Roaring 20s with a large and stylish lobby that looks like an elegant hotel with all the trimmings. Beth told me about it, but seeing this place is fantastic. There are black leather couches, leather chairs, and decorative end tables, set up in small groups around the room. Each grouping sits on its own red and gold oriental rug. There is an enormous crystal chandelier in the main room and everything is white, black, and gold, with hints of red splashes here and there. The giant white and black feather arrangements along the walls just set the entire room off.

Looking up at the large spiral staircase that leads up to the second floor, where the private rooms are, I'm sure. The black wrought iron spindles topped with the golden gleaming banister are just the icing on the cake with this room. There is even a rock waterfall that starts on the second floor, which flows down the wall and ends in a small pond just below the balcony.

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