Chapter 16: Dreams Can Come True - Amy

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They left me, and I'm alone...

Try to relax and stay calm, I ask myself.

What did I do? What did I say? This is crazy. Maybe I should just leave. This is not something I can do with two men I barely know. I'm pretty sure it's Jay, but I don't know this other man. Why did they leave me? Why did Beth set this up?

Answering my question, I think back.

Because these dreams need to stop, and this might work. We've talked about me fulfilling these fantasies for years, and I guess it's time to give in to these dirty little thoughts. So many times I've dreamed of being masked and able to give in to my wants and desires. To become enchanted while in the shadows as I go forth within this sexual masquerade. To be enslaved by lust and exposed to men who will worship my body. I want this... I need this... But can I do this? Can I be brave?

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath.

Amy, you can and will allow this to happen, but why did they walk out? Probably because they can tell that I'm a nervous wreck and if I don't control myself, they may stop.

Sliding my hands up and down my legs.

Who wants to have sex with a stiff woman, paralyzed with fear? Okay, Amy, you are safe and no one will hurt you here. Beth is right downstairs and she will keep me safe, plus Jay will take good care of me. I'm sure she explained how I would react because Beth knows me so well. They are probably just taking their time with me, moving slow. I appreciate their consideration and patience.

While waiting for them to return, I wish there was a glass of my wine here to calm my nerves.

Oh, that is too perfect... Jay will be my Mischief and the other will be Mayhem. Together, they are like a fine wine and I will drink them in and enjoy this audacious sexual rendezvous.

A few minutes go by and the door opens again. Quietly, I hear them walk in and shut the door once more.

"Amy, how are you doing? Would you like us to continue?" He softly asks as I nod, stretch and let everything go.

Wishing I knew what that was all about, I resign myself to just conform to the woman in my dream and act confident about our arrangement.

Mischief or the man that I think is Jay uncovers me slowly, pulling the sheet down my body and revealing my nakedness again. Shivering slightly, it's not cold in here, but I feel the air rush over my body and I'm exhilarated. He turns me on the bed so that they can share me once more.

The other man or Mayhem rubs my neck and shoulders. They have switched places, and God, he's good.

I feel him lean over me, his lips touch mine, and we kiss with such intensity. Mayhem smells so good, so crisp and fresh. His cologne is different, very masculine, but with a hint of spice. The man takes his time, it's not forced or rushed, he is very aroused and I am becoming excited as well. This guy is an unbelievable kisser.

I flashback to Vin as his lips consume mine, his tongue plays with my own, like an erotic dance.

My skirt climbs higher and now I know they can see almost all of me now, as Mischief massages me there.

Good Lord, he knows what he is doing.

They slowly and systematically rub every inch of my body, and I can't help but react as he stimulates me further.

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