Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy

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While laying here in Mayhem's arms, after the incredible sexual experience that we just had, I feel Jay caress my back. Then, I am picked up and carried over to what sounds like a bubbling Jacuzzi. Slowly, I'm gently placed into the warm water and onto a seat with bubbles surrounding me. He climbs in and pulls me over to him. Mischief kisses are softer, gentler again, and I know for sure now. This is Jay.

I feel his shoulders, then run my fingers up through his hair and pull on it, as he holds me tight while kissing and caressing each other. For a while, we enjoy the water and he holds me close. My body relaxes as the bath soothes my muscles.

Then Mischief washes my body, every inch of me, diligently, and it feels so good.

The smell of lavender is in the air as he massages my body and cleans me as though I am a queen. Is he preparing me for more to come, or is this over?

Jay slides me in front of a powerful jet and I feel the water caress me, sending tiny little waves of elation while he rubs my thighs. He slides his hands up higher and holds me open as the jet sprays onto my very over-sensitive area.

"How does that feel, baby? Does it excite you, Amy? Just relax and let it massage all your muscles. Does it feel good, sweetheart?" Jay whispers wickedly as I gasp and feel my body tighten again.

My God, this is too much. Jay has turned into Mischief once again.

Gripping his hair, he pulls me open, and the feeling hits. Trying to move away, he holds me tight, right where he wants me, and I'm electrified. As I moan and cry out by the sensations, I feel his hot breath on me and know what is about to happen.

The orgasm explodes as I release again, more violently, while my body expels every ounce I had left. Mischief slowly closes my legs and holds me tight, while I try to catch my breath yet again.

His kisses are tender as he rubs my back and nuzzles my ear. Jay pulls me onto his lap. I feel his erection, but I can't take anymore. He nibbles on my neck while he slides his hand between my thighs and up into me.

Oh God, this is insane, and I have nothing left to give him. My head drops onto his shoulder as I hold on tight to his chest for the coming onslaught.

He gently massages me for a few moments, then slowly withdraws and says, "Just relax Amy, we are done, for now."

When the jets go silent, I think about what he just said... For now.

Then I hear the other man come walking over to us, and he whispers something to Jay. They help me stand up, then a towel is wrapped around me and my nearly lifeless body is lifted out of the tub.

Mayhem dries my body methodically, every inch and crevasse. This is so sensual and gentle, almost tenderly. I'm being cared for by Mayhem as he inspects his work.

Once he's satisfied, I'm carried over to the bed again. The towel is removed and there is that chill in the air again. He lays me down on the bed, my pillows are fluffed, and he covers me up with a very soft and luxurious fur comforter. That's when I panic.

What if they leave and I never get to find out who Mischief and Mayhem truly are, whether it is Jay or someone else?

Quickly I ask, "Wait, are you going to allow me to see you both before you leave?"

It's quiet for a moment and I think to myself, that came out a lot needier than I thought it would.

Mayhem answers, "Well, we are not through with you just yet, but we will talk about it and get back to you."

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora