Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay

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During the past month, Caleb has gone out and found girls for us and they are not women I would ever choose. These women are skanky, they are trashy, and I am not sure what is going through his mind lately.

He's changed. Maybe it's the pressure of the job or something happened, but Caleb refuses to tell me why he's acting so odd.

Sitting at my desk, I called him.

We need to talk this out because I refuse to allow this to continue.

When I dial his number, it says he is out of the area.

Okay, did he go on vacation and not tell me?

Trying it again, I get the same message. This goes on for over a week, so I think something bad has happened.

Pulling up to the house after work, there are no lights on inside. The feeling of fear rips through me as I take my keys out and go up to the front door. Please be okay, I say to myself while stepping inside.

"Cal, are you here, man?" I shout while turning on the lights.

Room after room, they are all empty, including the guest room. The fridge has been emptied, so have the cabinets and the pantry. Going back up to his room and into his closet, Cal's suitcase and most of his clothes are gone.

It's all okay. He just got away for a while.

Closing the closet door, I sit on the bed and think about how scared I just was for my friend. It's not like I don't have a reason to worry. When we first met, people were after him. Then lately, with Mandy and all these women he's been with, it's like Cal is a completely different person.

Going back downstairs, I turn off all the lights and lock the door. In my mind, he is fine, but I will call Donovan tonight.

Something is wrong, I feel it, but why wouldn't he tell me the truth?

Back at the house, I sit on the couch and stare at my phone. Part of me knows I should call him, but then what will I say?

Cal and I have been screwing weird girls. Then he just got up and left? No, I'm not involving Donovan, but I think there is someone else I could call.

Giving it another week. Still, there is no sign of Cal, and I have called a private investigator. Dad wanted me to be careful, to watch over Caleb, but that was at college. Plus, I do not want to have a conversation about what he and I do to women. Our firm uses a guy who does some checking for us, and I think this will be the perfect solution.

When I call the number he answers, "This is Ron Archer, how can I help you?"

"Hey Ron, when you have a chance, I need you to do some digging on a Caleb Rothschild for me. He's not a client or anything like that. It's personal and for my ears only."

"No problem, Jacob, but I am rather busy lately. It might take me a little while to get back to you. Is that ok?" He asks and I tell him it's fine.

Hanging up the phone, I feel better about all of this, and I'll just wait and see what Ron comes back with.

After several weeks go by, I get a message from Ron saying that he wants to meet with me. He sounded rather cryptic, but I'll meet him at the house as he wants. On the drive home, I worry about what Ron is going to tell me, but I hope Caleb is alright. He's a good friend and if Cal's in trouble, I want to help him.

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora