Chapter 4: Vision - Jay

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As I drive out of town, heading to Penn State, my phone rings. Looking at the caller I.D., it's Caleb.

Shit, I forgot to tell him I had planned this weekend. I forgot this was Lizzy's graduation altogether until mom called.

When I put him on speaker, I explain that I've got a family thing and he understands. We will get together on Sunday and catch up then. Since I started work at Godewyn, I've been so busy. Dad has me second chair most of our larger cases to get my feet wet. I'm loving the job and it's just like I'd hoped it would be. My father gives me the space I need, the people are very down to earth.

Cal never talks about his job running the foundation, and he still seems lost. I wish he would just find someone and have an actual life, but he's been pining over a girl he knew years ago. We rarely talk about it, but each time we "share", he gets up and runs out. The guy never gives them a chance to get close, but I keep trying to find him someone who might pique his interest. The search is a lot of fun for me, and he laughs when I say that I'm doing this all for him. When I find one that is worthy, I tell him to give her a chance because when we are old, I do not want him living with me. Cal finds this funny, but sometimes I wonder.

After the long drive, somehow, I got there on time, which was amazing. Between the traffic and road construction, it took forever. Pulling up to her parking lot, I find a spot right next to my parent's car. My mother is standing there, holding the spot and waiting for me with a smile on her face.

Christ, she is relentless.

She says before I'm even out of the car, "You're on time today, good for you, son."

Maybe I'll go back home tonight instead.

Instead, I reply, "Good Morning mother, where is dad?"

As I ask, he gets out of the car.

"There's my boy! How was your drive?" He asks me with excitement.

I say while giving them each a hug. "Good dad, it was good. What a perfect day for a graduation ceremony."

As we walk up to the dorm, mother says, "Did you know Amy is graduating Summa Cum Laude today. She is such a bright and beautiful girl, Jacob. You might think about dating a girl with brains once in a while."

Of course, a snide comment, like she has ever or would ever meet a girlfriend of mine.

Dad adds, "She is a sweet girl, very lovely, but fast girls are much more fun."

As he says the words, we laugh and mother turns up her nose at the two of us.

Yup, she is in a mood today but trying to play nice. That comment would have gotten dad in a lot of trouble, but she just ignored him.

My mother has not even mentioned Lizzy, which is sad because my sister has worked so hard these past four years. I did not think Elizabeth was going to college, so when they told me, I was stunned. Then, when I heard she was going with Amy, it all made much more sense. Lizzy did great here at Penn, and I am so proud of her. She is graduating at the top of her class too, but my mom didn't even tell me this information until this morning. Elizabeth has grown up and I'm so happy for her.

Stepping into the doorway, I see my sister, and she looks amazing. When I hug her, out of the corner of my eye, there is this vision of beauty standing behind her.

My God, is that Amy? I've seen pictures, but my God, she is stunning.

When we get introduced, I can't take my eyes off of her and Liz is grinning from ear to ear, but so is my mother. This woman is quite spectacular and I'm awestruck by her beauty.

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