Part 2, Chapter 45. Bracket A, Mind & Muscel

Start from the beginning

Snorlax yawns. "What is it, Kyla?"

"I just realized.. I have more Pokemon than David!" Kyla replies.

Snorlax's eyes open for a moment as he thinks. "So you do! Congratulations!"

Kyla groans. "I'm not so sure that is a good thing.."

Ark walks over and leans against Snorlax. "Ah! Snorlax! You're so comfy!"

Snorlax groans. "I am not a bed.."

Kyla looks sadly at Ark. "What am I going to do?! I never dreamed of having 43 Pokemon!"

Ark smile wide. "Don't worry about it! You forget it will take time for our two families to get used to each other! Even then, Chaz and I can act as mediators for you! After all, we are the oldest of the two groups!"

Snorlax groans again. "If we are speaking of actual age, I am the oldest.."

Ark turns and winks at him. "And you're such a cute grandpa, but we need two mediators who can be active with the others.. maybe even occasionally putting them in their place!"

Snorlax scratches his face. "You.. have a point."

Kyla sighs as she relaxes further against Snorlax. "That is a perfect idea, Ark!"

Ark turns and smiles at Kyla as she slowly falls asleep. 

A commotion begins to rise between Hitmontop and Machamp. Chaz begins towards them, but Ark quickly leaps up and stops him.

"I got this." Ark says as she approaches them. "You two need to keep it down."

Hitmontop points a Machamp. "He said I was a poor excuse for a fighter!!"

Machamp flexes. "Damn right! All you do is spin! That doesn't take much muscle!"

Ark glares at them as she towers over them. "You will shut your traps before I remind you who helped capture you!! Kyla is trying to sleep, we have a huge match tomorrow." Ark grabs them and pulls them closer with a smirk. "This is our big shot at the tournament. I don't need to remind you what that means."

Hitmontop begins hopping excitedly. "Our Zoey's dream will come true!"

Machamp sniffles a bit, rubbing his eyes. "Stop it, top head! You are getting dust in my eyes!"

Ark pats them on the back. "Now go get some rest."

Hitmontop and Machamp part ways.

Chaz crosses his arms. "Nice! Very big sister of you!"

Ark turns with a smile. "Sometimes it takes a lady's touch! However, I can dig that gruff big brother approach too!"

Chaz smiles. "It seems to work.. sometimes!"

Ark shrugs. "It all depends on what they are used to!"

Absol approaches Ark from behind, preparing to ponce, but Chaz quickly shoots her a displeased glare. Absol locks eyes with him and backs away.

Ark chuckles. "I could have dodged that easily."

"Yes. But she needs to learn she can't just go around picking fights for the hell of it." Chaz replies.

Ark falls back on the grass, staring up at the star-lit sky. "I used to be like that.. picking fights I could never win."

"What changed?" Chaz asks.

"I.. fell in love with the idea of my big sister, our family, and our adventures. They became my reason for living and I wanted to protect that." Ark replies.

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