Chapter 11: The demon

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The little young lady said, "Baby - love - dooo - dooo - booo". She gets a cake for herself and some more cakes for road individuals".

"Good gracious, it resembles a mysterious. This is my opinion at the forefront of my thoughts. Much thanks to you, tiny girl. I actually can't envision that I'm with an angel and conversing with her. I truly like your actual appearance. Would I be able to touch your tiny face and convey you?", Anusheelalini asked.

"Oh sure, my dear. before you contact me, you should say 'boo-honey-bee-boo-honey-bee', my skin is exceptionally touchy like a hamster and If you contact my skin without say this boo-bee........., your hand will damage and you will get ruddy on your skin and feel irritated. So be cautious when you need to contact me" the little girl answered.

"Alright, however why that sorcery slogan seems like about a honey bee?", Anusheelalini Asked.

"Goodness, is that it? I requested God that I wanted to include bees in my magic slogans. God also gave me blessings according to my desire. Not only that, but he also changed my clothes to yellow and black. Ok, Anusheelalini. Presently I will acquaint my companion with you. Is it true that you are prepared to see my companion? Close your eyes.

count 1,2,3... "boo-honey-Minoo" if it's not too much trouble, come out my companion", the little girl said.

A honey bee comes out from that young lady's pocket. The honey bee makes a sound like 'hooovvv'. Anusheelalini asked that who is that? I need to see it.

The little girl requested that Anusheelaliniopen her eyes. Anusheelalini gradually opens her eyes. Anusheelalini answered that "Aww, so adorable honey bee. Is this your companion? she is so lovable and excessively little."

The little girl revealed to her that "indeed, she is my dearest companion, her name is Minoo. Minoo can talk and she will answer the inquiry that we asked."

Anusheelalini unexpectedly saw her watch and shout, "wow! it's past the point of no return. I need to back home. I didn't offer food to my canine yet. My canine will sit tight for me to return to the house. Flawless kindly seat in a protected spot, I need to drive quick, so then I can arrive at the house early.

Following 10 minutes, She had contacted her home. She wants to check if minuscule is fine. So She called the small young lady's name and asked "Little girl, where are you? Is it accurate to say that you are alright? Is there any issue?."The small young lady comes out from the vehicle's glove compartment. They go inside the house.

To be Continued.................................

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