Chapter 1: Lucas meets anusheelalini for the first time.

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A resplendent girl denominated Anusheelalini and a boy designated Lucas was living in a sizably voluminous country. They are studying together at the same University. One day the wind was blowing egregiously, and at the same time the sun commenced to do its job, Lucas was driving with his dad to university, and then his father drops off his son at University and he peregrinated to his clinic. His father works as a clinical psychologist and he has his own clinic. Lucas's mother dies when he is born and his father espouses a woman, so Lucas has a very caring and kind stepmother. His stepmother is a housewife. She takes care of Lucas very well as his own mom. Lucas's father and stepmother have nurtured him to an unspeakable extent and he deports in a good manner and discipline way. Now, we will optically discern the family backgrounds of our heroine Anusheelalini.

She had parents, three sisters, and a brother. Her father is working as an authoritative figure at his company office and her mother is working as a civil engineer. She has 3 sisters and a crazy brother. Her parents are rigorous and give consequential to their family accolade. They are pristine from the Indian religion, her parents want their children to learn an abundance of religious cognizance. They additionally never let their children do what they optate to do, such as Anusheelalini and their three sisters relish to snap pictures with loose hair and do some video vlog. They won't be sanctioned their girl children to do what they like or want to do. They withal want their child to wear cultural apparel, but they are only sanctioned to wear apparel below the knee when they go out. But that girls relish wearing apparel that they like and loose hair. Anusheelalini relishes to perpetuate her study, but their parents want her to get espoused early.

They always verbally expressed that "women should not pursue higher studies to ascertain their future effulgent and which the future husband is going to take care of her". At first, they won't be sanctioned her to perpetuate her higher studies. At last, she fights with her parents. And she endeavors to work strenuously and determinate she few magnitudes of mazuma to perpetuate her higher studies. Now she studies at the same University that where Lucas additionally studies.

Lucas, James, Lilly, Sally, John, Mark and Jercely are best friends and they relish spending time together at University. For Anusheelalini, she doesn't have friends because she relishes relishing her own company. Lucas and Anusheelalini not even meeting each other afore this albeit they studied at the same University.

One day, Anusheelalini was sitting on a beach near her University. She was sitting there, relishing the waves that emanate from the sea. At that same time, Lucas came to the sea with his friends. Lucas was playing with the ball that he had brought with his friends. Suddenly Anusheelalini faints and falls. Lucas optically canvassed her and he sucked. He ran to the spot and sprinkle water, that he held in his hand on her face. Albeit he sprinkled water, they did not visually perceive any difference, which wasting time, she did not open her ocular perceivers. Without wasting time, he hoisted her up and brought her to the hospital by driving his friend's car. And then they admit her to that hospital. The staff nurse who works at that hospital, ask Lucas for details about her, but he verbally expressed that he meets her for the first time. And then, the staff nurse verbally expressed that " it's ok! Have a seat, in a while medico will check her and they will explicate about her health condition".

To be continued.............

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