Medichi bros. Circus

Start bij het begin

Steven: hi! I'm Steven

Max: oh well.... nice to meet you. So your the kid everyone's talking about?

Latias: we're with him

Sid: uh... hi?

Max: well... everyone! Treat our visitors with the best respect! Their our guests of honor! Ya got that?! Guests, of, Honor!

Serena: loud much?

Max: hard to do your job these days
We cut to max office where the gang were

Max: it's not much, but you can settle in the large train car behind the elephants

Manny: okay

Dawn: so what can we do to help out?

Max: well... I could use someone to help look after them

Brok: look after the elephants?

Max: we fallen on hard times, a virus rolled in and almost half the circus got ill and... I had to cut corners and sell some great talent, including the horse act. But I had to keep the elephants in because m, and this is against what I do, but for once in my life, I made an investment
We cut to Rufus, an animal wrangler was getting the elephants off board whipping at them until their wrinkles showed whip marks

 But I had to keep the elephants in because m, and this is against what I do, but for once in my life, I made an investment____We cut to Rufus, an animal wrangler was getting the elephants off board whipping at them until their wrinkles showed whi...

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Rufus: move it! Move it! Let's go ya filthy gasbag! Move your ugly stinking wrinkles

He continues to while the pachyderms mercilessly making them trumpet in pain until the Steven group with max came

Steven: hey! Knock it off!

Steven grabs the while and breaks it apart

Steven: that's no way to treat a lady!

Elephant: oh, thank you young man, your too kind

Steven: no problem

Max: at least he shows empathy Rufus! You got to give them respect, especially this season! This is precious cargo

Max: at least he shows empathy Rufus! You got to give them respect, especially this season! This is precious cargo

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