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''Hey guys,'' I greeted them and sat on the couch next to Alessio. ''So, what do you guys wanna do tonight,'' I said and winked at Alessio. They chuckled and I shook my head in amusement.

''We're going to do a Naturo marathon,'' Damien said and I nodded. ''I'm down. Let's do it,'' I said and we started watching Naruto.

After a few minutes, I heard someone come down the stairs and I didn't wanna turn around because I was so invested in the Anime.

''Hey, do you wanna go to the party?'' I head Axel from behind me. I turned my head and saw he was ready to leave. ''I won't go. I will stay here with the boys and watch TV,'' I explained and he nodded. I turned my head because I thought he will leave but when I didn't hear the door open and close I turned my head and saw him walking around the couch and sit next to me.

''Aren't you going?'' I asked with furrowed brows while I crossed my arms over my chest. He turned his head towards me and shook his head.

''Nah, if you won't go, I won't go,'' he whispered because he didn't wanna disturb the boys.

''Don't worry. Alessio and the twins are with me,'' I assured. He started chuckling.

''I know they won't be staying here. They are waiting for me to leave,'' he smirked. And I giggled.

''No seriously, you can go. Nothing won't happen to me,'' I assured but he shook his head. ''I won't go. I already texted Tristen I won't come,'' he said and pointed at his phone.

''I don't wanna ruin your weekend just because I don't wanna go. You should go and enjoy the night,'' I said but again he shook his head.

I sighed and stood up. ''Where are you going?'' he asked and I turned around. ''I'm going to get ready for the party,'' I said and walked around the couch and walked to the stairs.

''No, if you don't want to we can stay and chill here,'' he assured but I ignored him and walked upstairs.

I went to the room I was staying in and got some clothes ready for me to wear. I didn't wanna wear something too revealing because I was too scared that the same thing that happened last time would happen again.


I changed into some ripped boyfriend jeans and a black crop top

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I changed into some ripped boyfriend jeans and a black crop top. I added my black leather jacket and put on my Jordans. I let my hair down with my natural waves.

Once I finished getting ready I went downstairs and saw Axel with the boys still watching Naruto.

''Axel, wanna go?'' I said and he turned his head. He stared at me for a few seconds while standing up. ''Let's go,'' I said and walked up to the door.

''Close the door once you leave, guys,'' Axel said to the twins and my brother. They all nodded and said 'Yes'.

I opened the door and waited for Axel to come out. Once he did he closed the door and we walked up to his car.

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