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"Is this the right place?" Opal looked up skeptical of the 'swanky' uptown penthouse. "Trust me this is the guy." Brendan looked at the tacky apartment it was true what they say money can't buy taste. "He loves gold huh" Opal was taking in the same obnoxious gold couches, pillows and  tile flooring. "Yeah he went through a Gold phase back in college and never left." Brendan sighed, Martin might be a genius online, but he was still an immature southern frat boy in his heart.

"BRENDAN!!" Martin screamed and gathered Brendan up in a big bear hug. Impressive for the stocky Asian man. "Long time no see man, I thought Josh was fucking with me when he said you were here. What did I say Josh?" The husky Asian man gestured to the tall Russian man that ushered Opal and Brendan in.  "You said, I am fucking with you. Sir" Josh was a professional through and through and indulged Martin. "See." Martin smiled "Opal meet Martin. Martin this is my wife Opal" Brendan sighed and Opal tried to shake hands with the unconventional frat boy. 

She shook off her initial shock at seeing anyone but a white frat boy. She had expected to see a tall lean white boy, with more money than friends, however the short fat Asian man wearing a panic at the disco shirt and a distressed skinny jeans. 'Okay I might be a little racist'  Opal shook the mans hand and noticed that he was checking me out. 'Might not be white, but he's still a frat boy' Opal rolled her eyes. "Damn, so this is the famous Opal. I can see why you went on and on about her" Martin laughed, Brendan scowled "Look Martin, I wish I could say this was a social call but I really need your help. Can we talk somewhere private?" Brendan must have said the magic words cause Martin straightened up real quick.

Opal and Brendan were escorted by Josh and Martin to a high tech office. The back of the office had at least twelve monitors adorning the wall and what looked like FBI grade servers littered the corners of the enormous office. Martin gestured to a sleek black couch and Josh left to watch the door. "Alright my man I am all ears" Martin took a seat across the couple in a office chair. "Our children were taken" Opal blurted unable to contain herself any longer. "What?" Martin was confused "On Halloween we went out trick or treating with out kids, I got into a fight with some drunken asshole and someone used the commotion of the crowd and took our kids." Brendan helped explain. "We called the cops but, lets just say we aren't on the best of terms with local law enforcement." Opal pulled up a picture of the twins on her phone and held it out for Martin to see. 

"They are so cute, look at her little bow and his bowtie" Martin gushed, Opal understood she had dressed the twins up in complementary outfits, Zoe wore a baby pink bow over her wild black curls and cute pink dress adorned with stars and glitter. While Adam had a baby blue collared shirt and small blue bow tie, his grey slacks bought the look together. It was her favorite picture, and the first one she got done professionally. 

"Damn man that's shitty, do you have any leads?"  Martin sat up invested in the sad tale. "We believe its the grandparents, they have been hounding us since we adopted the twins. We tried to look into it but it didn't go well." Opal cringed at the memory of her failed attempt at retrieving her children.

 "They have them, why are we pretending like we don't know who took them?" Opal tried to explain to the officer on the phone that the only ones who could have the twins are the Grandparents. "Ma'am in your statement you said that you wrestled with the kidnapper but he overpowered you. Gladys is 76yrs old, her husband is three years older and has arthritis how could they snatch the kids from you."  The annoyed officer shot back.  "They hired someone obviously" Opal felt exhausted with this woman's attitude. "We are doing everything we can to find the twins, but you calling every hour is not helping." With that being said she hung up and Opal flung her phone on the couch. 'Fine if they won't do it I will' With a new found determination Opal got her keys and drove to Gladys's house. 

BANG!!BANG!!BANG!! Opal was over the lies, the bullshit tug of war over her kids. "What the Hell is wrong with you banging on my door like that?" Gladys flung the door open ready to beat the fuck out of whoever was on the other side. "Where are they?" Opal pushed passed the offended woman and started her search for the Twins. "I know you didn't just barge into my house like you pay for anything?" Gladys tried to keep up but Opal was on a mission. "Where the fuck are my kids!?! I know you took them, I know you have them somewhere" Opal marched through the house and flung open every door she could find. 

She checked cabinets, closets, under beds, bathtubs, and even a old dumbwaiter. All the while Gladys had threatened  and hollered at her. Finally she reached the last door on the second floor, it was as plain looking as all the others but this one must have meant more to Gladys. 

          "STOP!! Don't you dare open that door. I don't know what kind of drugs you are on but I will not let you walk all over me. This is a Christian house and the Devil has no place here!!!!" Gladys flung herself in front of the door in an attempt to block Opal. 

     "Ha, yes what a lovely Christian you are, you have done everything you could to keep me from being a mother to the twins. You have drug me and my husband through the mud for the crime of wanting to be parents. Then when your slander and your cruelty didn't work you kidnapped them.  So I got a reality check for you, the Devil has been here all along ." Opal pushed Gladys to the ground, and the old woman shot her a look of fear. For a moment Opal felt guilty, but remined herself of everything this vile woman. 

Opal expected the cries of her babies, or the sound of the laughter, or even a weird cage system. She didn't expect to see a teenage  girls bedroom, a very clean teenager at that. She took in the Aaliyah, Destiny Childs, and Boys to Men posters. The more Opal saw the stranger it got, this bedroom was ripped right out of the early 2000's she  saw the typical floral  bedsheets and the dresser was littered in small stuffed animals and had a bright orange bible on top. "You close that door right now!!!" Gladys stood on shaky legs and into the room and tried to drag Opal out of it. "This was her room" Opal put two and two together and realized she wasn't the only heartbroken mother in that house.  It didn't take long for Opal to come to the conclusion that twins weren't there. 

For a moment Opal was looking at the woman who tried to destroy her dreams. She saw herself, it wasn't  Gladys clinging to her daughters Neon Bible. It was Opal clutching Zoe's pink dress and Adams blue bowtie while crying hysterically. She imagined all the long nights Gladys waited up for her daughter to come home, how she scrambled every time the phone  rung  praying it was news of her little girl.

"Get out of House you evil bitch" Gladys spit at Opals feet, "Where are they?" Hot tears ran down her face as her mind fought the reality of the situation. The happy rescue she envisioned was gone, now she was just another Black woman with missing kids. 

Opal told her humiliating story and felt a new rush of shame overcome her. "Are you sure they don't have an offsite location?" Martin questioned. "We were hoping you could look into that, although our hopes aren't too high. Since the day Opal went over there Gladys has not only gotten a restraining order but has filed her own missing person report." Brendan explained. 

"Damn well I'll see what I can do man, but if you want quick results I suggest going to see Fred." Martin sighed, Opal was pleased at how quick Martin was to help. " Fred?" Opal questioned "Out of the question" Brendan spat back. "Come on man. You know there is nobody more connected in the city than Fred." Martin shrugged "Who's Fred?" Opal noted the rage in Brendan's eyes. 

"He's no one" he lied. Opal knew that whoever Fred was, he wasn't a friend. "Fred is Brendan's old NA Sponsor. They had a falling out years ago and Brendan won't get over it" Martin simplified, leaving Opal more confused.  "What falling out?" Opal tried to understand but was getting more and more confused. "Some girl got between them" Martin added "It wasn't some girl it was my Mom. The man that was supposed to help me over come my addiction decided to fuck my Mom!!" Brendan yelled.

 Opal was speechless, she hadn't heard Brendan speak about his Mother in years. She felt sorry for her husband, but she still had children that needed her. "Do you have his address?" Opal asked Martin "Opal" Brendan was shocked at how quick she came to grip with this new revelation. "Brendan I love you, and what happened was inappropriate. I will gladly talk and process this with you AFTER we find the twins. So as I was saying Martin if you can give us the address I would greatly appreciate it?" Opal smiled at Martin and Brendan took a reluctant seat. "Sure thing. Tell Ms. Candance I said Hello" Martin shot Brendan and smug smirk. Brendan readied himself for the most uncomfortable reunion of all time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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