One Last Job

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            "BRENDAN!!" Opal screamed for her husbands attention terrified of losing him to the chaos. She Held onto her stroller for dear life trying to keep the kids up straight while distancing herself from the fighting. Without any warning the stroller was ripped from her hands by some lady in all black. Opal ran after her but couldn't keep up with all the commotion. She struggled to keep her eyes on the Thief as swarm of people made its way in front of her. Once she caught her breath on the other side of the crowd the woman was gone.

  "Stop" Brendan screamed running towards the stroller with his children. He gave it all he could but before he knew it the woman was getting into a van. He pushed himself to make it in time, but failed to catch anything but the license plate number.  "NOOOOO!!!!" He screamed out praying his children were safe.

A nightmare. That's all this is a Nightmare. I couldn't have finally got my happily ever after only to have it stolen. No God could be this cruel. So this must be a nightmare. Opal chanted in her mind all while rocking back and forth on the couch in her living room. The fight, that woman, the kidnapping. All a cruel nightmare.  Opal shut her eyes tightly trying to will herself awake. However the voice from the detective told her that this was in fact reality.

 "Mrs. Yorick, I know this must be difficult but I need you tell us everything you can remember" Detective Rosa, put on what Opal assumed was her calming voice, and tried to pry more info out of Opal. While she knew anger was impractical Opal couldn't help the rage boiling over. "Do you really think that if I had more info about my children's kidnappers I wouldn't share it?" Opal gazed at the Detective in utter disbelief. "No Ma'am. We just have to be thorough with cases like these time is of the essence and every little bit helps." The Detective replied. 

Opal broke down in tears. Time really was everything, she watched too much Discovery ID  to not know the importance of time in kidnap cases. Especially when dealing with children, Opal pushed the terrible but most obvious thought,  Will I ever see them again? .

TGY-542. For as long as he lives Brendan would remember that License plate. He told the Detectives to check the number, while they assured him they would his hopes were low. They don't give a fuck, he has seen cops like these a thousand times Jaded people who have seen more tragedy than justice. He wouldn't be surprised if they shrugged this off as another cold case before even beginning. 

While Brendan could throw all the money he had at the issue he wasn't sure if that would do help or hurt his chances. If he was being honest he had burned too many bridges at the Precinct in his youth to expect any real help. 

"Okay what's our next step" Opal said in defeated voice after the Detectives departed. Just before Opal could leave, Brendan grabbed her hand. "We  find them O" Brendan knew empty hope wasn't what she needed. Which is why he didn't speak those words lightly, he knew in order to find the kids he had to do something he hoped he would never have to do again. "What do have planned?" Opal didn't waste time on questioning his convictions she just placed her faith in Brendan. 

"I never told you about my year on the streets. When you live you live like that you have to be clever in finding money. Your only motivation is your next high so you take whatever job you can get to get there. Unfortunately that meant doing some twisted things." Brendan took a seat next to Opal. "Like selling drugs, or...your body" She was the first to admit she lived a sheltered life, and wasn't familiar with the rock bottom lifestyle of a Junkie, not that she judged. "No, that was an option but I never took it." Brendan gave an empty chuckle. "No I had a friend Martin, he knew ways to make a Fuck ton of money doing easy shit. At first it was little shit, take a package here and leave it there, Give a message to some guy, One time someone just wanted me to watch a door they paid me $800 buck to do it." Brendan looked down at his hands. Opal felt this story was about to get dark. 

"Then the request got bizarre. They wanted me to take pills , Slip a roofie in strangers drinks, Take a girl from her school." Brendan clenched his eyes shut forcing the memory away. "Jesus tell me you didn't" Opal shuddered at the thought "No. No matter how bad the shakes got I couldn't do it. Martin was a smart kid, he knew all about the Dark spots of the internet and he always had a way to make money. Unfortunately he was dumb when it came to his money, always blowing it on some girl or some over the top binge party. Why he was always in the slum with me." Brendan returned to his story. "I got out of that shit, excuse the pun but it sobered me up real fast. I needed to get out, so I cut ties with Martin and made my way to the man you see now." He finished on a sigh. 

"So you think our babies could be on the Dark Web and Martin can help us find them?" Opal pieced together what the plan was, she wasn't thrilled about finding a man with such dark connections. However she would walk into Hell itself to get her babies back.

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