Chapter 162

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Brooke's POV
I woke up and got the boys their breakfast. Niall is still asleep as per usual. I didn't get much sleep last night due to the nerves about today. What if I make a fool of myself? What if I mess up? What if my speech is horrible? I left the boys at their little table to eat their food while I went and fed the dogs. Bella was immediately part of the family, we adore her, beau loves her company too which is great for when us all are out and it's just them at home. Kayden is singing the Thomas the tank engine song while eating, he LOVES trains. Whenever he hears or sees one he gets so excited. Zach LOVES planes. Absolutely crazy for them. They both could draw all day long, they play really well together except Kayden can get rough and rude while Zach does back what Kayden does to him. Kayden either has toast, weetbix, cornflakes, rice bubbles or scrambled eggs and fruit salad for breakfast while Zach has either porridge, toast with fruit salad, weetbix, rice bubbles or cornflakes. They are really good boys with what they eat, I noticed that Zach has been starting to take after me in my eating so I've got to make sure I set a better example for the boys. Kayden finished his cornflakes and went to sit in front of the TV when I said "you have to finish your juice remember" and he said "mum I'm watching Thomas". I went to the little table and went to see how Zach was doing. He had finished his fruit salad but was struggling with his toast. "Sweetie you've got to eat your toast, it's got honey, your favourite!" I encouraged while wiping his mouth with a wipe. "Only two more bites of toast but you've got to finish your milk, can you do that for me?" I said and he replied "yup" and smiled his signature grin. "Good boy, lets go!" I said and sat there with him so he could do it. 5 minutes later he was done! "Good job! Well done bub" I said to him as I packed up his dishes and he raced over to Bella. "How about you boys go wake daddy up?" I said and they all replied with excitement and bolted in to our room. I laughed as I heard Zach say "Hello daddy!". "Wakey wakey sleepyhead" Kayden said to Niall and I also laughed as he takes after me calling Niall a sleepyhead. I soon heard Nialls sleepy voice then heard the boys laughing and screaming. The 3 soon came out and it was then that i remembered what Zach was wearing, Harry got him a onesie that compliments the awesomeness Harry has. I decided i need to go for a run to clear my head, so i got changed into my running gear, grabbed the dogs and left. Bella is really good without a lead but not as good as Beau and i need to trust her completely to obey me, she's 95% there which is amazing. I decided to let her run free today for a test, Beau and her love running together. I ran for an hour and finally got home.

Niall came and gave me a big kiss and hug before i jumped in the shower for nervous!! I'm getting there about 2 hours before i'm on for makeup, clothes and hair. Lou is being ever so amazing and coming 2 hours early so she can be the one to make me pretty. I got changed into shorts and a hoodie. I gave the boys big kisses and cuddles, they wished me luck god bless the little blondies. "You will be amazing and i will see you out there princess" Nialler said giving me a big smile and cuddle. "See you out there handsome" i replied back and he smiled. I wanted to talk to the place where it's gonna be so i did. There were already tons of people lining up to get in. I went in the back way and was soon greeted by the amazing crew. Lou had picked ripped black skinny jeans, a fairly fancy white top and brown boots. i liked it. She did my makeup and hair so beautifully. My hair was curled but perfectly. The two hours flew by and i saw that every single seat in the place was occupied, so many young teenagers and that really hit home for me. I try so hard and to see so many responding to what i do, well it just makes it that much more worthwhile. The introduction to the show went on when it was my time to shine! I had the microphone piece over my ear so people could hear me. "THREE, TWO, ONE YOUR UP" the man behind the scenes said and i walked up onto the stage and the audience erupted in cheers. I smiled and waved, and soon found a very familar set of heads in the audience, they did the thumbs up and that made me feel somewhat more relaxed.

"Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for coming today, it really makes me feel supported and i appreciate that immensely you wonderful people! Now, mental wellbeing is more crucial to how a person gets through life than what people realise. Physical health is certainly important, as is social but mental? That is the key and the most difficult component to get healthy.

As a child growing up, I had heard of mental health, but I didn't really understand how important it was to living, how much of a key role it played in the existence of people. As I grew into my teens, my mind began to change drastically, some days I felt not bad, others I felt pretty down and others I felt numb and wasn't sure how I felt, neither happy nor sad. I had no idea what to do. I was aware of the terms depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bi polar etc, but I wasn't aware enough to notice the signs. Looking back on it now, at 13 I developed a horrendous eating disorder, that took over my life, mind and body. My life had become dark, dull and empty. I felt like I was being sucked into a vortex of nothing but pain and sadness. The reason I told you that, was because I said to myself in primary school "I'm never going to get an eating disorder, I'm always gonna be happy and never get depression and I'm never going to get so nervous about things for anxiety" but how wrong I was. If I had been more aware, I might of noticed the signs before it was too late. Depression, Eating Disorders, Anxiety and mental disorders are not things you can just choose not to have. You can have the strongest will that you will never get any of them, but you are still a target. Some people are more vulnerable to them than others but anyone can get them. Not just younger people, anyone of any age can be affected by them.

Life can deal you some pretty shit cards but what matters is how you choose to play them. Put on a poker face, bluff if you have to or deal with them, but do not let yourself fold. Those cards in your hand are a test. A test to see if you as a person, will put up with the cards you've been given or if you will fold when your cards are pretty bad. It's up to you whichever way you go, but I know that every single person can get through the game without folding. I promise you that if you bluff, put on a poker face or just accept the cards you've been given, you will feel a sense of achievement and you will know, how strong you truly are. Even playing with the crappy cards is a strength, because you knew you probably won't have won that hand but still you stuck your ground and know that you tried. Winning or losing doesn't matter, it really doesn't. If you win, well done you obviously deserved the win but if you lose, you've grown as a person and feel a personal growth. Now you're probably all thinking how could I have spent these past few minutes talking about a game of poker? Why am I talking about a card game? You see the funny thing is, life is just like a poker game. You can fold, bluff or accept what you've been given. The only difference between poker and life, is that life isn't a game. Now that's a pretty huge difference don't you think? It absolutely is and you know why? No matter if you lose or win a game of poker, you can be dealt more cards but in life, you only get one. So why not make mistakes and learn new things each time? Why not live life while you can?"

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