Darkness is coming

Start from the beginning

both: 🎶K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Diego: real mature guys, real mature

Dawn: well ash has always been the cute one

Dawn: well ash has always been the cute one

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Pumbaa: I thought I was the cute one

Cera: NO! Your the fat stupid one with the big mouth

Pumbaa: what're you saying exactly?

Latias: can we get back on topic and not talk about cute ones and misty's love for ash? We got a bigger fish to fry here!

Diego: I feel a bit tingly

Manny: don't say that when your surrounded by girls!

Diego: not that kinda tingly!

Littlwfoot: yeah. The eclipse is gonna start any day now

Manny: I-I can feel it too

Latias: we need to get back to earth. Now

Yellow: well we can try our ships, but they haven't been used for a while

Blue: it's our only chance

Yellow: I'll carry white. This way

The gang follow the diamonds as they make it to two giant arms, on blue, one yellow

Blue; you can ride along with me

Sid: okay

They all get onto the ships as they make their way to earth

Yellow: so what's important about this eclipse of yourself?

Brok: our animals friends have been having strange dreams of seeing the god Pokémon arceus telling us to be in a special crater by the time the moon next covers the sun

Cera: so we went on a long migration and got to this crater and now we're waiting for the eclipse for why we're even there to begin with

Blue: that does make a bit of sense

Yellow: and I suppose this arceus you speak of might explain everything?

Clement: probably
Steven woke up in a red laboratory, his neck, arms and legs all chained to the ground and together, even his snout was roped town and muzzled

Clement: probably____Steven woke up in a red laboratory, his neck, arms and legs all chained to the ground and together, even his snout was roped town and muzzled

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Steven tries to break free of these chains but they were stronger than even him so he kept trying

???: quite trying. It's no use

Steven looks to see a man in red looking right at him

Steven looks to see a man in red looking right at him

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Man: we meet again

Steven looks at him with curiosity

Man: I'm not surprised that you don't remember me. I'm the one who made you possible. You see, I am a man who has great hopes, but the mammals always get in the way of my work. You were my first test subject of my experimental D.N.A, the one I intended to use to genetically reconstruct all life forms and turn them back into what they rightfully should still be

He uploads a test camera video of a rhinoceros generically transforming into a triceratops

He uploads a test camera video of a rhinoceros generically transforming into a triceratops

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Steven growls at this man, but then his hand transforms into claws

Man: the way I see it. You and I should stay together as the dominant species, and watch these miserable warm blooded fools go extinct

At that moment the mans head transformed into that of a velociraptor!

At that moment the mans head transformed into that of a velociraptor!

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Steven tries to get out of his binds but to no use

Man: but after you escaped, I had to make... new plans. Hybrid monsters. Case in point, my masterpiece. The scorpios rex

Man: (cont'd) the one who was responsible for finding you

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Man: (cont'd) the one who was responsible for finding you

Steven tries to bellow but his restrains make it impossible

Man: when the solar eclipse comes. So too will an old friend of yourself, then we shall bring the world to its knees and we fellow reptiles, not mammals shall rule the earth again

He then injects a serum into Steven making him fall asleep

Man: I'm not losing my masterpiece a second time

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