"MOM! HELP ME!" - Chapter 21

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(Kaede's POV)

I've pulled out my piano for the first time in a while. Miu really wanted to hear me play some.. what was it? Under a tail song? I don't know. I'll be able to see her soon though. Soon. I kept telling myself that it would be soon. I pushed away the thought that was in the back of my head.

The conversation with my parents didn't go too well when I arrived here. I didn't text them, I didn't call them, so my sudden presence wasn't expected. It went a little something like,

"Hi mom, hi dad. I can't be at Hopes Peak anymore, they literally poisoned my food with human meat."


"Anyways, I need to stay here."

"Uhmm.. we always love having you here.. but where are you going to have an education? How are your grades?"

So, that was that. I come home after discovering they're murdering people at Hopes Peak and all I get is them asking me about my grades. It's not a big deal, I guess. I'll probably be dead soon anyways.

My daily activities soon became.. pointless. I couldn't brush my teeth, eat, nothing seemed worth it. My injuries slowly got worse. Whether it was me running into a wall, or smashing my finger in a door, soon I couldn't get out of my bed in general, even if I wanted to.

Letters. Maybe I should write a letter. To Miu. I've spent these last couple of days playing the piano, which, is definitely free therapy by the way, and sleeping when I can, which isn't very often.

"Dear Miu,

I miss you. I wish so badly you could be here with me. Seeing your dumb face is what gets me through the day. I can barely walk at this point, the amount of bruises I have on them are unbearable.

I started to tear up. Any thoughts of what might happen to me filled up my head. I need to see her just one more time..

I need you to come over.. as soon as possible. If I'm.. being quite honest I might not have much time left. Get your phone to work, I noticed I can't text you.

Love you.

Sincerely, Kaeidiot"

(Miu's POV)

~ a couple days later ~

I had occupied my time crying and eating away my problems. Although I puked up everything from the amount of stress, it was the only thing I felt like doing. My phone recently took a dump, so I can't contact Kaede. Is she even alive? What's the point in wondering anymore..

"Miu, you have mail." My mother said, handing me a letter.

KAEDE! ITS FROM KAEDE! She must have understood my phone doesn't work. I hope she's okay. For the first time in days, I had some kind of positive emotion. I ripped open the envelope, to see a handwritten note.

As soon as I knew it, tears were streaming down my face. I ran to my room, not wanting anyone to see me this way. On the way there, I knocked over a vase, slipping and cutting myself with the glass. I screamed, looking at the big gash on my foot.

"MOM! HELP ME!" I yelled, begging for her to comfort me.
No one came.

Tears dropped off of my face, I scooted my body to the bathroom, quickly pulling glass from my foot. I yelped in pain. From the floor, I could reach the
bandages and wet wipes. The amount of blood instantly soaked the wipes, which made me cry even harder. I wrapped the bandages around my foot, and scooted back to my room. Where is my mom?

(Kaede's POV)

I couldn't enjoy a single second without thinking about Miu. My stomach ached from the lack of food, but I had no appetite. My head pounded from anxiety and dizziness. My legs, arms, and chest constantly hurt too. I could feel my body slowly deteriorating. Every 30 minutes or so, a new injury would come. They could be minor, or they could be big. All I knew is that it hurt. Not only physically, but mentally.

I didn't want to be on Earth anymore. Everything escalated so quickly. Just two weeks ago I was enjoying a vacation on the beach, and now this. I need to stay as long as I can, just so she can.. be here. But.. but.. sh.. she needs to be here now.

(Miu's POV)

''Dear Kaede,

I don't know if I can make it to your house. My foot has been injured. Severely. I hate to say this but.. I'm developing your bad luck. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay. You'll be okay. We will get through this.
I love you.

Sincerely, Miu Iruma <3''

Did I truly believe we were going to be okay? No. Did I need to make her feel better after telling her I'm dying too? Yes. I have to do what I have to do.

I cried into my pillow, harder than I ever have since this all started. I let it all out. I still haven't found my mom, but I can barely stand. I still haven't seen Kaede again, and I don't know how I will. Seperating us.. couldn't stop the bad luck.


W/C: 879

A/N: You're most likely seeing this the next day, it's being posted at 10:30 PM on Thursday, but all of yalls time zones are wack. I got a giant sunburn all over my body and it's hard to sleep. Pray 4 me, or maybe actually pray for Kaede LMAO
Rip that pianist ayyyy

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