"So.. are we..?" - Chapter 3

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(Kaede's POV)
After yesterday's events, I felt.. odd. I've only been at Hope's Peak for, what? Two days?

I've always been the perfect girl in my family. I was great at piano, I got good grades, I was pretty social.. but me, kissing a girl?

My family would go CRAZY if they found out.

I pulled out my laptop and looked up one of those "Am I gay" quizzes. I can't believe my life has come to this.

The first question said,

"Have you ever thought about a girl in a romantic or sexual way?"

I said yes because well.. I initiated that whole thing..

After a couple more questions which I all reluctantly said yes to, the results were,

"You're a raging homosexual!"

Shit. Seriously? I mean, Miu was pretty.. yanno.. I can't say it.

"Do I like her?" I thought to myself.

I already knew the answer to that.

(Miu's POV)

I needed advice. What happened yesterday.. might've awoken something in me, as much as I'd like to deny it.

During lunch, I decided to talk to Tenko.

"Wait! Tenko! I need to talk to you!"

"Oh, sure!' She said.



We went to my dorm and I shut the door.

"So.. uh.." I started off with.

"I can already tell what this is about, but continue."

"Um.. okay.. so basically.."

"Spit it out already!"


Tenko started laughing very loud and hard.

"What's so funny, Tencrotch?" I snapped.

"Oh- it's just-" She laughed in between each word.

"You are so obviously in love!" She shouted.

I stared at her blankly. At this point the whole school could hear.

"I- I'm what?" I replied defensively.

"You heard me! Now, who is it?" She seemed almost excited.

"Um.. I- It's K- Kaede-" 

She gasped.

"How are you going to tell her?"

"I dunno.." I answered quietly.

"What if I stand outside the door while you tell her to make you less nervous?" She suggested.

"That might do the opposite, but sure, I guess.. should I do it today?"

"Whenever your ready."

I decided that I should just get it over with. After school, I'll ask to talk to her. My heart was racing.

(Kaede's POV)

Should I tell her? I guess I will.. it'll be so beyond embarrassing if Miu doesn't feel the same. I don't even know if SHE'S gay.

After school, that's when I'll do it.

As I walked to 4th period science class, I noticed Miu somewhat behind me. I took some deep breaths, and tried to ignore her. After school.

Science seemed to drag on years. When the bell rang for my last class, I was relieved. Could this day go any slower?

History was 5th period, my last class. 

"Alright, you guys! We are going to take a quiz today!"

I sighed. Hopefully I can get this done quickly. At least Miu wasn't in this class, I wouldn't be able to pay attention.

Wait. What did I just say? I wouldn't be able to pay attention? I'm so pathetic. You kiss a girl once and that's all you think about..

When I reached the last question, I realized a lot of people were done and left early. I have to hurry up.

I gave my teacher the paper and almost ran out of the classroom. It seems like Miu finished her class the same time as me because we ran right into each other.

"Miu! I need to talk to you!"

"I need to talk to you as well.."

"My dorm?" I asked.


(Miu's POV)

Tenko was already hiding behind a bookshelf close to Kaede's dorm.

Kaede wanted to say something too? I hope it's not the opposite of what I want to say..

As soon as we got there, Kaede opened her dorm and we both sat on her bed.

"So.. who's going first..?" I said.

"Um.. you can." She replied.

"Okay um.. this takes a lot of balls to say.."

Kaede waited. This girl is patient. I like it.

"I- Kaede.. I like you. A lot." I said loud and clear, making sure she heard me. I looked down, not being able to look her straight in the eye.

Out of the corner of my eye, she smiled.

"I like you too, Miu."

I looked up at her. She was smiling and blushing. God, she's adorable.

"R-really..?" I asked.

"Of course. Ever since I met you, you've been all that's on my mind.." She replied.

I hugged her. I wanted to kiss her again, but it might freak her out. I guess I was wrong, though, because she got to it first.

In the middle of her kiss, I heard a squeal from outside. Ugh, Tenko.

"What was that?" Kaede asked, a bit scared.

"Tenko." I said.

"How do you know?"

"I told her she could wait outside, because I told her I wanted to tell you that. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay." She replied with a smile.

"So.. are we..?" I trailed off from my sentence, hoping she'd get the idea.


I blushed.

"Okay.. let me go tell Tenko to go away now." I said with a laugh.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WC: 883

A/N: That was a long one. I enjoyed making this chapter so much though- What do y'all thinkkk? It's official now. :)

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