"Yes, I did enjoy it, piano girl." - Chapter 2

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(Miu's POV)

After the incident with Kaeidiot, I needed to get back at her for embarrassing me. But how?

Of course! I could tell she was flustered yesterday when we had that locker scene.. does she like me back?

I shouldn't get to ahead of myself. Someone calling you out for looking at their tits will obviously leave you a bit overwhelmed.

Going back to the revenge thing.. I have the perfect idea to tell if she likes me.

(Kaede's POV)

As I was getting dressed and ready for school, I couldn't help but think of my encounters with Miu. She was pretty.. and a little scary. But I could tell she had a soft side. Wait- am I thinking about a girl? I'm not a lesbian! What if I am though?

I decided I needed to stop thinking about all of it. Get that stupid girl out of your head.

It was easier said than done.

I walked to school a bit nervously, scared I was going to see her. I don't know why I was scared, though.

As I got closer to the classroom, I was in an empty hall. Great. I'm already scared of some random girl, and now I'm in an abandoned hall. Was I going the right way?

(Miu's POV)

My plan is going perfectly. Kaede's in an empty hallway and I'm behind her. I sneakily ran right in front of her and pinned her against a wall.

She's going to embarrass me? I'll embarrass her.

Kaede looked up at me, eyes wide open and clearly terrified.

"Okay, Kaeidiot. Since you made that little classroom scene yesterday-" I stopped to notice the fact that this stupid girl was blushing. She found this cute? Ugh I hat-

I was interrupted by something I didn't expect to happen in a million years.

(Kaede's POV)

I had to shut this girl up. I kissed her so she could get what she probably wanted. Not like I wanted to.. at all.

I'm lying. It was amazing.

After kissing for about 3 seconds, (pretty long, I know right? -squeals internally-) we got noticed by a teacher. Even worse, my English teacher.

Miu didn't notice anything so instead I pulled away and stared right at the teacher.

(Miu's POV)

Well shit. The teacher saw us.

"Um- girls.. you know it's Saturday, right? If you wanted to uh.. do something, maybe a hallway isn't the best choice? You guys have dorms for a reason.." The teacher said, clearly taken aback.

I needed to think fast. This is a good opportunity to get the revenge that I was trying to in the first place.

"Oh um.. okay. Let's go, Kaede!" I said, faking a cheerful voice and pulling her hand while running down the hallway. As soon as we got outside, we both started screaming at each other.

"What the hell were you thinking, idiot?" I yelled.

"I don't know!"

"I was trying to get revenge on your ass, not a makeout session!"

"Awww.. Is little Miu all flustered because the girl she likes kissed her.. how cute!" Kaede said mockingly.

"Just shut up already!"

There was a long pause. As Kaede walked away slowly, she mumbled something.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy that.."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Nothing?" She replied, very annoyed.

"No, you definitely said something."

"I didn't say anything! Can you stop?"

I pulled Kaede's tie, which made her whole body come close to my face while she was still in arm distance.

"Yes, I did enjoy it, piano girl." I whispered.


WC: 564

A/N: I hope you liked this! I'll post another chapter today.

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