Chapter 22 - Finale

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(Kaede's POV)

In the little rest I got, I had dreams of what my life would be like if it weren't for.. whatever's happening. Hopes Peak going to shit. My girlfriend and I slowly dying from repeated unfortunate occurrences. It's hard to speak. Hard to hold things. The only thing I can hold on to is the fact that I'll see Miu in the afterlife soon. My dreams usually consisted of our bad luck going away. Us seeing each other there. Hopes Peak becoming safe again. The memories of everything I did slowly disappeared day by day. Dementia? Amnesia? From what? The amount of times I hit my head might've done it. I can't even go to a hospital. If I got a surgery to fix my many broken bones, I'd probably die. Faster than I already am.

"Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry to say that I don't have much time left. A couple days if that. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Waking me up in the morning. Giving me life. Making me follow my dreams when I felt like giving up. I love you. It pains me even further than my constant physical aches to leave so early.

See you soon.

Sincerely, Kaede Akamatsu <3"

I carefully folded up the note and somehow managed to set it on my desk. I knew it wouldn't be long before it all ended. I couldn't feel the emotion of what was coming. I was numb to all of it. There's no point in wasting my last days on crying.

I have to write one last letter.

(Miu's POV)

I could feel something coming. I didn't know what, but I did know it wasn't going to be good. I haven't heard from Kaede in days. About a month to be exact. Breathing hurts me. It makes my chest hurt, it makes my throat hurt, and I don't know how much longer I can go enduring the pain I'm feeling.

~ the next day ~

After another day of not seeing my mother, I decided to get up and check again. Where is she? I haven't actually checked every room, because the pain in my kneecaps kept me from doing so. I held onto the walls. almost falling over with every step I took.

As I put one foot infront of the other, heading towards my mothers room, a strong smell filled my nostrils. And not a good smell either. The stench of..


It can't be.

Shaking, tears filling my eyes, I walked into the room the smell was coming from. The sight I saw, I would never be able to recover from. My mom's cold, dead body. I dropped to the floor, screaming in shock. Flies have started breaking down her flesh, and a large pile of blood stained the carpet.

My head pounded with every thought, my sobs echoed through the house, and my body gave out.

~ a few hours later ~

I finally woke up, and the sight I saw was still real. It wasn't a dream. My mom is dead.

And it's my fault. My luck brought her to die. My luck has ruined my family. I'm a orphan.. I guess it doesn't matter anyway..

I decided that my last hope would be a possible letter from Kaede. And there one was. Sitting on the doorstep.

"Dear Miu Iruma,

My days have never been the same since I met you. You gave my life a purpose. Made me happy no matter what. From the moment I saw you I knew you'd change my life. Thank you for everything. Although my legacy has came to an end, I need you to know that none of this is your fault. Without you, I would've killed myself already. The thought that you might come over before I die comforts me. I know this is hard.. but, just let me go, we'll meet again soon.

Forever. I promise.
I love you.

Sincerely, Kaede Akamatsu <3"

Instead of my brain, my body controls my actions as I run to the garage.

(Kaede's POV)

~ the next day ~

My father used to watch the news with me everyday. He told me I wasn't like other kids because I thought it was interesting. And I did. So for the first time in years, I watch it.

"New report just in, a car accident on Highway 99 leaves teenage girl dead. Police say it is a 'mystery case' and the cause of the crash into a nearby Ford Bronco is unknown. Hopes Peak Academy student and claimed as the 'Ultimate Inventor' has sadly passed, along with her mother the previous hour. Miu Iruma's girlfriend, Kaede Akamatsu is the only known living acquaintance of hers."

I rubbed my eyes, not fully understanding what I just heard. Miu Iruma.. car crash.. WHAT? This cant be true.. I heard it wrong. I had to have. The TV once more confirmed her death, and my eyes for the first time in a while, filled with tears. My breathing got heavy, and the little bit of hope I had left for living was gone. Everything.. pointless. My entire body shuddered and shaked, my heart rate fastened, and my breathing was out of control. My chest felt like it could explode at any moment. I felt faint..

What a wonderful place. Earth? Full of mysteries, romance, friendships, and beauty. That was my only thought as dark consumed my vision. A bright light showed me a vision.

As the scene appeared, a total sense of calm came over me. All the worries I had were gone. Anything that upset me previously didn't matter anymore.

It was Miu.

"It's okay.. you can leave now. I'm right here for you. Follow me."

I followed her into a giant valley of flowers. Poppies. My favorite.

"Remember when you told me you loved poppies? I found a big field for us."

I smiled. "It's perfect."

"Don't worry about our past bad luck anymore.. you have no need to. I'm fine. You're fine. We are all okay. I even saw your grandma over there. Everything is perfect here.."

"Is this the afterlife?" I asked.

"Whatever you want it to be, Kaeidiot."

"Let's stay here forever." I decided.


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