"Get to the point.." - Chapter 20

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(Kaede's POV)

Loud screams and panic filled the air. Everything was fuzzy, including the details of what whatever was causing it. My consciousness fading in and out, I see Miu running towards me, and her hand gently rubbing my cheek. I softly smile, enjoying her presence. The worried expression on her face told me something was a lot worse than I knew. My thoughts are interrupted by a sudden urge to close my eyes. I do as my brain tells me, and any worries I have drift away.

(Miu's POV)

"Human.. human.. human.." The word lingers in my mind. I lie with Kaede in the bed, wondering if I'll loose her soon. I also wonder if everything happening is somehow my fault. A sudden reminder chimes in my head that I need to severely hurt the asshole who did this to her. But why was the.. human.. in just HER food? The entire school ate that shrimp tempura. Or did they? I noticed that Kaede was one of very few to grab it, but there's no way she was the only one. I can't leave Kaede's side, but I also can't let Teruteru or whoever get away with this. I give my girlfriend a hug, being grateful for everything about her. I can't let her.. die.

How did this escalate so fast? I think, heading as quickly as humanly possible to the cafeteria. It was dark, and no one was in there. My heavy breathing echoes, and an eerie feeling makes me shiver. I swiftly open the door that goes directly to the stoves, food supply, and really everything that is used to make meals. I look around, making sure no one will catch me. Security cameras do exist, but probably not in he-

I'm interrupted by hitting the floor. Nothing tripped me, no one pushed me, I just tripped over air. I brush myself off and continue investigating the kitchen. "What the fuck.." I mutter as I step in a puddle of blood. I see it splattered on the oven, the walls, and some in a pot. My vision went slightly blurry, and my stomach churned. What is this..? It can't be Hopes Peak.. what happened to the school that once was going to set me for life, get me any job, guarantee my success? Murdering? It can't be..

I trip once more, I assume from me being in shock. I see blood on my hands, and shake my head, hoping this is all some stupid dream. Where is everyone? How has no one figured all of this out? I never noticed the amount of students disappearing.. this can't be. I storm out of the cafeteria. I need to escape this school as soon as I can.

(Kaede's POV)

Mikan got me to wake up. I could tell she was extremely tired, and probably hasn't ate. Maybe that's a good thing considering what happened to m- wait.. the last I remember is Miu yelling, and everyone panicking. I must've hallucinated. Or did I? I had to ask.. "Mi- Mikan.. what did I eat?"

She looks at the floor, contemplating what she should tell me. "I.. it wasn't shrimp, Kae- Kaede. It was.. well.. human meat."

I stare at her in shock. WHAT? I ate- I ate.. a HUMAN? No way.. I'm not a cannibal. I can't be. I felt like throwing up. My face turned a bright green, and my head pounded. Where's Miu?

Almost on cue, the door flung open, and Miu grabbed me. "We have to leave. Now." I nodded, knowing that Hopes Peak was well.. feeding the children.. humans.. we can't stay here anymore..

Miu was on the phone, with who I would assume was her mom, as she packed our bags. I sat on the bed and cried. What's going on? Will everyone be okay?

"Mhm.. you're- you're probably right.." Miu sniffled, still talking on the phone.

(Miu's POV)

My mother was here to pick us up within 30 minutes. We packed up her car, and I knew the news Kaede was receiving wasn't going to be good. When I got it, I had to keep my cool. Not worry her more than I'm sure she already is. 

"Hi mom.. thank you for picking us up.." I say, the silence being awkward.

"Kaede! I've heard so much about you!"

"Get to the point.."

My mom sighed. "So.. Miu has told me about your.. luck. And we've came to the conclusion that.. maybe you guys should separate for a bit. Maybe you should go back to your parents house. Just until these occurances stop happening."

"Wha- What? But.. I don't want to leave Miu. I love her!"

"I know, darling. But it won't be forever."

Tears formed in my eyes. But when will be the next time I'll be able to see her? I had so many questions, but I was able to force out an, "okay.."

We were about 20 minutes from my house. I had 20 minutes left with Miu. I hugged her, and shoved my head into her sleeve, trying not to let anyone know I was about ready to break down. Why did so much happen in a span of a night? Who else knows about what's happening at Hopes Peak? Who's doing it?

Miu and I were in each others arms for what seemed like 30 seconds. We reached my house before I knew it.

I grabbed my suitcase.

I hugged Miu as hard as I've ever hugged anyone.

"I'll see you soon.. I love you so much."




W/C: 901

A/N: Most evenful chapter like.. ever? I had random motivation at 5 PM and this took me like 4 hours. I hope you all enjoyed.. the story is slowly coming to an end. <3

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