"Well damn.." - Chapter 8

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Warning: this chapter deals with some stronger themes, if you're not into that kinda stuff, please skip this chapter.

(Kaede's POV)

I called an Uber to take us to the bakery. Miu still had no idea what was going on, but a little surprise doesn't hurt anyone. Especially her and her mean ass. She needs this.

I paid the driver and we both walked towards the bakery. As I opened the door, the smell of fresh bread and pastries filled my nose. Miu smiled at the delicious food.

I grabbed her hand and walked up to the counter. 

"What do you want, Miu?" I asked her.

"Uhhhmmm.. can I get a chocolate muffin?" She awkwardly said.

The baker took the chocolate muffin and placed it in a white paper bag.

"Anything for you, ma'am?" The worker glanced at me.

"Oh, yeah! I'll take the same as her, a chocolate muffin. And maybe some bread too?" I responded.

The worker nodded as she gave us our pastries.

"$11.32 will be your total!"

I handed her the money and we walked to an outside seating area. There was a beautiful waterfall, and plenty of colorful flowers.

"Isn't it beautiful, Miu?" I asked happily.

"Not as beautiful as you." She smirked.

I blushed and sat down at our table. I pulled out our muffins and Miu started a conversation as I bit into the pastry.

"So.. you know tomorrow is Valentine's Day, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I have some meeting with my teacher for whatever reason." I said back.

"Oh. Why did you take me here specifically?"

"I'm not sure, I thought maybe you'd like the atmosphere?"

"I do. Thank you, Kaede. I love you."

"I love you too, Miu."

She leaned in for a kiss. I kissed back, but after a couple seconds I got a call.

I picked up my phone. It was an unknown number.

"Uhh.. hello?"

(Miu's POV)

Annoying. I just want to kiss her, I don't want to wait for her call to be over.

"Um, Mrs. Smith..? Why are you calling me?" She said, talking to.. Mrs. Smith, I guess.

"I can't- why do you even need to meet with me so badly? My grades? Can it wait?"

I grabbed Kaede's phone and yelled,


"MIU-" She interrupted.

She hung up and stared at me.

"Thank you. This bitch is annoying as hell.. I'll still go see whatever she wants, but for now, I want to talk to you."

"Less talking, more kissing." I said.

After a makeout session infront of a bakery, we decided it would be best to go see what Mrs. Smith wants so badly from Kaede.

"I'm going to stand outside the classroom, okay?" I told Kaede.

~ timeskip to them being at Hope's Peak ~

(Kaede's POV)

This english teacher has been real annoying recently.. she needs to mind her own business, my god.

I walked into her classroom, very nervous.

"Uh, hi." I said.

"Oh! Look who decided to show up. Your little girlfriend made a big scene over the phone, eh?" Mrs. Smith said pretty passive aggressively.

"What do you want?"

"I've noticed your grades have been dropping. That's not like you."

"How would you have ANY idea what I'm like? We've been in school for like a week-"

"What I'm trying to say," She said walking towards me, "is that if you will start seeing me after every class.. to do some extra credit.. that's fine with me."

"E-excuse me?!" I shouted, tears forming in my eyes.

As she got closer to me, and I backed away, I hit the door. I fell backwards and it busted open.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Miu screamed, helping me up from the floor.

"DON'T. YOU. LAY. A. FINGER. ON KAEDE!!!!!" She screamed so loud, about half of the main course students heard and came running down.

"What the hell happened?" Kaito asked.

As I struggled to keep my tears in, I was able to get out, "She- she wants t-to FUCK ME! MRS. SMITH!"

Mrs. Smith ran as fast as a 40 year old woman can, away from all of us.

Hiyoko started running after her. All of us did the same, and Hajime called 911 as eventually Sakura got ahold of this girl and pinned her to the ground.

"Hello? Yeah.. emergency at Hope's Peak Academy. We have a child predator on our hands..?"

Sooner than we knew it, Mrs. Smith was being arrested. We all collectively flipped her off as the police car drove away.

Suddenly, all of the students came up and asked me if I was okay. They were so kind.

"Thank you guys, really. Without you guys that bitch would've gotten away.."

I got many words of encouragement, and everyone returned to their dorms a bit later.

Me and Miu walked back to her dorm, hand in hand.

"Well damn.." She mumbled.


WC: 805

A/N: Y'all- I'm so sorry for this horrible chapter. As much as this was cringey, it was sorta fun to write. I hope this wasn't too much-

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