"W-what's wrong?" - Chapter 5

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(Miu's POV)
Eventually Kaede fell asleep while watching Scream. Which left me alone. Watching a horror movie. The second someone got killed I screamed bloody murder and started shaking.
"K-Kaede!" I shouted and shook her, trying to wake her up.
"W-what's wrong?" She answered, still half asleep.
"T-the m-movie!" I exclaimed.
Kaede sat up straight in the bed and stared at me with a worried expression on her face.
She leaned in for a hug, and before she even reached me I clinged onto her.
"I-It's-" She interrupted me.
"It's okay darling.. I'll turn it off." She said with a comforting tone.
As Kaede turned towards the nightstand that had the remote on it, everything turned off. The TV, lamp, our phones.
"What was that?" I asked worryingly.
"I.. have no idea." Kaede replied.
(Kaede's POV)
I leaped out of bed and power walked over to the door. I grabbed Miu's hand and we carefully walked outside our dorm. We found everyone outside, all staring at each other, wondering what happened.
The first person to say something, was of course Kokichi.
"Ugh, I was trying to get some beauty sleep- Hey! Why are you two together? Did you guys-" He was interrupted by Fuyuhiko.
"Is that really what we should be worried about right now?" He asked, with a bitter voice, clearly annoyed.
"There's nothing TO worry about. The power went out, that's all." Kirumi added.
Almost on cue, we heard a loud scream, made by a girl.
We all ran towards the noise. The entire main course, all 50+ students, running around the campus in search of whoever this was.
Suddenly, Himiko shouted from maybe 20 feet away, "Found her!"
"WHO?" Miu yelled.
We all sighed in relief. Of course it was Mikan, she was always tripping over and stuff.
We all walked over to Himiko.
I kneeled down next to her, prepared to take her to the nurses office.
I felt something wet on her back.
"What's this..?" I mumbled. Everyone was watching me.
"Is anyone's phone working? Kirumi, do you have a flashlight on hand?" I asked.
"I do. Here you go." She handed me a flashlight.
"Mikan.. you there?" I whispered.
I felt her heart. She was alive, just passed out.
I turned on the flashlight, and shone it on Mikan's back.
I gasped. Blood dripped onto the concrete and into my hands.
Kyoko, Makoto, and Chiaki ran over into the main school.
We all took a couple steps backwards, trying to process what's going on, all whispering to one another.
Miu muttered in my ear, "I'm scared, Kaede. What's going on?"
I grabbed her hand and held it tight.
"Everything will be alright, okay? I promise you." I whispered back.
WC: 510
A/N: What a CLIFFHANGER. Sorry to make y'all wait for what happened to Mikan, but i'm hella tired. Love you all, thank you so much for the support!

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