Chapter 38

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I was annoyed that I was forced to rest. My family gave me no choice. It didn't help that Rick ordered me to rest. 

He said, and I quote, "We need your ankle to heal. If anything happens, we're gonna need you with a good ankle." Yeah, not very fun to be ordered to rest. So now I was stuck in my cell, staring at the ceiling. 

"Hey, pretty princess," Daryl said standing in the doorway.

"Pretty princess?" I laughed at the nickname. 

"Well, yeah. You're pretty just like 'ya mother. Definitely not like 'ya chinaman dad," Daryl smirked.

"He's Korean," I corrected with a laugh.

"Same thing," Daryl shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Daryl," I said. 

"How's 'ya ankle doin'?" Daryl asked, nodding at my wrapped ankle.

"Hurts a little," I shrugged. Since I had been off my ankle it felt better.

"Should've listened to 'ya parents bout that ankle," Daryl shook his head disapproving. 

"Yeah, I know," I said. Daryl nodded, standing at the door awkwardly. "I'm glad your back."

"Me too," Daryl said. I smiled at him, which he surprisingly returned. "I'm gonna go clean my arrows."


"How many times do we have to tell you to stay off that ankle," dad scolded me.

"I don't want to. It's boring," I whined.

"Yes, but your gonna be sitting in there even longer if you don't stay off it," dad said. 

"Where's mom?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Gaurd tower. She's on watch with Carl," Rick said. 

"Dad! Andrea's here!" Carl bursts into the cellblock. Everybody was on their feet with their weapons, even Merle, and rushing outside. I followed aunt Beth, Rick, Daryl, and Merle. Of course, I stayed in the back leaning against the wall. 

"Clear!" Merle yelled. Rick rushed towards our gates.

"Are you alone?"

"Open the gates!" Andrea yelled, not answering the question. 

"Are you alone?!" Rick repeated pushing his back against the gate. 

"Rick!" Andrea yelled. Rick threw the keys to Daryl and he quickly opened it just enough for Andrea to come through. She let the walker she was holding in front of her go and came in.

"Hand's up! Turn around!" Rick ordered.

"What?!" Rick pushed Andrea's front onto the metal fence. Rick started to pat her down but a walker appeared on the other side of the fence. Andrea let out a small scream when Rick pushed her onto the floor.

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