Chapter 33

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"How many?" Rick yelled over all the gunshot. He gently put me down, careful of my swollen ankle.

"I didn't see," said Oscar.

"Don't matter. There's gonna be more of them," Daryl said as he reloaded his gun. "We need to move."

"Any grenades left?" Rick asked.

"uh-huh," Daryl grunted.

"Get 'em ready. We gotta gun into the wall," Rick said. Mom turned and shot a few bullets around the wall. 

"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna lay down some cover fire," Daryl said handing dad his gun.

"No, we gotta stay together," mom protested.

"Too airy. I'll be right behind you," Daryl said getting a grenade ready. "Ready?" Daryl threw the grenade and we got ready to move. I climbed back onto Rick's back, holding on for dear life.

"Let's get out of here!" Rick yelled shooting a few guys down.

"Keep going!" I heard somebody yell but I couldn't make out the word because of all the gunshot. 

"Go with your parents," Rick whispered to me, setting me down. He crouched down and began to shoot people while I hobbled towards the trucks that acted as a wall. Mom helped me climb up and the hood. I let out a scream when Oscar was shot, dropping me. However, dad managed to grab my hand. Even though his injured state, he pulled me up. Rick was quick to shoot the guy that had shot Oscar.

"Rick! Rick!" Mom yelled, grabbing onto Oscar's shoulders. He was covered in blood and almost dead. 

"Maggie!" Dad shouted. 


"Come on!" Dad called as mom shot Oscar, putting him out of misery. I helped mom climb onto the top of the truck. 

"Daryl!" Rick shouted over his shoulder as he too climbed the truck.

"Go!" I faintly heard Daryl yell back. We all took turns jumping down the car. I felt my ankle ripple painfully. I bit my tongue trying not to cry out. As soon as Rick was down, he pulled me onto his back. We ran by the trains, away from the gunfire. Rick set me down and raised his gun when we saw another woman. She raised her hands, leaning on the train. 

"get what you came for?" Rick asked her, lowering his gun.

"Where are the rest of your people?" She asked, unfazed by the guns pointed at her.

"They got Oscar," dad said through gritted teeth. 

"Daryl is missing. You didn't see him?" Mom asked. The woman shook her head.

"If anything happens to him-"

"I brought you here to save them," she interrupted Rick. 

"Thanks for the help," Rick said.

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