Chapter 6

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"Oh yeah? I never thought I'd be so happy to see a potato," Carol chuckled lightly. Everybody laughed along with her as we help prepare dinner.

"I'm just glad we're not roasting squirrels over a fire in the woods," Lori said.

"Thank you, Patricia, so much for letting us into your house," Carol said with a smile that hasn't left her face since she started preparing dinner. I'm glad that her mind is of Sophia. This is a good distraction. 

"What's this?" I heard grandpas voice say.

"Don't worry, grandpa. Lori and Carol are cooking dinner for us all tonight," I told him from behind. He turned so he could see both me and mom.

"That's the first I've heard of it." He was angry, I could tell. I really don't get the problem. It's just dinner.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal. They want to thank us for helping them," mom said sounding kind of guilty. I didn't think it was either.

"What that problem, grandpa?" I asked with a confused expression.

"The problem? We need to be setting clear boundaries with these people. They're getting a little too comfortable," grandpa said. I stepped closer to him so we could talk in a whisper.

"Too comfortable? Are you just gonna kick them out as soon as Carl is better?" I asked, my anger rising.

"Rori. Dad, it's just dinner," mom said calmly. 

"No! He can't just help these people than push them away," I argued in a whisper. 

"Rori, that's enough," mom said firmly. I walked away in order to stay calm. I walked to the room I had spent so much time in lately.

"Hey, Carl," I greeted the boy.

"Hey, Rori. Hey, do you know when I'll be able to get off this bed?" Carl asked.

"I believe grandpa will let you in a few days, I hope," I said sitting down in a seat beside his bed. 

"Good. I'm tired of laying in this bed," he chuckled. 

"I would be too. But, I hear your mom and Carol are making dinner tonight. I'll bring you some because I'm sure it'll be amazing," I smiled. 

"I wish I could actually join you," he said sadly.

"Me too. But, hey, I brought you something to keep you occupied," I said and pulled a comic book out of my pocket. 

"Sweet, a comic book!" Carl cheered. I laughed and handed him one. 

"I guess you a fan of comic books," I observed. My smile dropped as I heard a gunshot go off. "Stay here, I'm gonna go check it out." I stood up and ran out of the room without a word.

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