Chapter 37

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Many more gunshots followed that one gunshot. That one gunshot that was now in Axel's head started this war. And it would not end until one of us was dead. Carol rolled over and used Axel's body to block the gunshots coming towards us. I cried as blood splattered us. Suddenly it went still and I thought it was all over. No more shots.

"Beth!" I heard mom yell.

"Get to Carl," Carol cried to me. I nodded and got up. Gunshots began firing in my direction. I pulled up my gun and tried to shoot the guy up in one of the guard towers. How he got up there, I had no idea. Carl grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the wall just in time. Any later and I feared I would've got shot. My ankle throbbed and I regretted not resting it longer.

"Carol, go!" I heard mom's voice and Carol soon joined us behind the wall. She took a gun from aunt Beth. Everything seemed to stop as a car approached. The engine rumbled loudly against the gravel on the ground. The van slammed into our gated and through them. The big metal doors we struggled to shut every time somebody left were now destroyed. The van stopped moving once it was inside. I was scared for what to come when the tailgate fell open. Walkers flooded our fields. 

"Grandpa!" I shouted after realizing he was in the field. Out game a guy in armor. The shouting became louder. I didn't think twice about running towards grandpa. I shot a few walkers that got close to him.

"Aurora!" Mom screamed as I ran. I nearly got shot a few times. 

"Get down!" Grandpa pulled me down onto my knees next to him. I started to shoot the walkers in front of us before I ran out of ammo. I threw my gun down and ran towards the walkers in front of us. Dad appeared and helped grandpa into the truck. 

"Aurora, let's go!" Dad yelled. I killed a walker the latched onto me. "Let's go!" Dad grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the truck. I climbed into the back while dad climbed into the driver's seat. We drove up to the prison. As soon as the truck was parked, mom was at my side. I opened the car door. 

"Are you okay?" Mom asked me, searching me for bites.

"I'm okay," I nodded. She pulled me into a hug.

"Don't you ever do that again," she scolded. 

"Okay," I whispered. She pulled me into one more hug. I looked back at the fields we cleared when we first arrived here. They were now overrun by walkers. Walkers owned that section now.


"We're not leaving," Rick said firmly.

"We can't stay here," grandpa argued.

"What if there's another sniper? A wood pallet won't stop one of those rounds," mom said.

"We can't even go outside," aunt Beth said.

"Not in the daylight," Carol corrected. 

"Rick says we're not running, we're not running," dad said.

"No, better the live like rats," Merle said. Ugh, I forgot he was back. I was glad Daryl was back but not Merle. I still hated him but he wasn't as bad as asshole. But at least he was locked in a cell.

"You got a better idea?" Rick asked looking at the cocky Merle.

"Yeah, we should have slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day but we lost that window, didn't we? I'm sure he's got scouts on every road out of the place by now," Merle said.

"Nobody asked you," I snapped, glaring at him. 

"Calm down," dad said, placing his hand on my shoulder. 

"We ain't scared of that prick," Daryl said from above us. 

"Y'all should be. That truck through the fence thing, that's just him ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers. And if he takes the high ground around this place, shoot, he could just starve us out if he wanted to," Merle said.

"Let's put him in the other cell block," mom said through gritted teeth.

"No. He's got a point," Daryl said.

"This is all you. You started this," mom yelled.

"What's the difference whose fault it is? What do we do?" Aunt Beth asked, also yelling slightly.

"I said we should leave," grandpa said. 

"Can I have a piggyback ride?" I whispered to dad.

"Why?" He whispered back.

"My ankle hurts," I shrugged. Dad sighed and bent down. I climbed onto his back, happy to get off my ankle. Mom left the room. She returned with a bottle of water and some painkillers.

"Here," she handed me the painkillers. I put them in my mouth before taking the water from her. I swallowed the pills and hoped they'd take effect soon.

"Now Axel's dead. We can't just sit here," Grandpa continued. He stood up when Rick started to walk away. "Get back here!" I was startled that he yelled. He barely yelled. He used his crunched to get to Rick. "You're slipping, Rick. We've all seen it. We understand why. But now is not the time. You once said this isn't a democracy. Now you have to own up to that. I put my family's life in your hands. So get your head clear and do something." 



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