Chapter 25

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I was right. The winter was hitting hard. It had only been a few weeks since everything went down but it was even colder. I've been talking to Carl, trying to get him to forgive Rick. I knew it would take time, he did kill Shane after all, but he can't be mad at him forever. 

"Carl, you really need to talk to your dad," I said in a low voice. Not a whisper but not like I was talking normally.

"Easy for you to say. Your dad didn't kill Shane," Carl snapped as we approached a small cabin. I knew we wouldn't stay here long. A few hours, maybe a day at most. We were constantly on the run from walkers.

"Your right, he didn't. But he's your dad. He protects you and this group. He's doing everything he can to make sure we're safe," I said my feet smashing the snow underneath them. My body practically shook under the cold. I still had that thin coat that was in the car, but it was way too big on me and it was thin. I was thinking that if we could find anything else for me, that I'd give it to Lori or mom. 

"Maybe your right," Carl mumbled.

"Of course I'm right. I'm always right," I giggled. The group came to a stop, finally reaching a cabin. Carl glared at me. This reminded me of the time just a few months ago, when we were arguing about a math problem.


"No, it's not 90. It's 92," I stared at Carl with squinted eyes.

"No, it's not. If Sam had -15 coins but got 61 coins, times 2, it's 90," Carl glared right back. 



We basically had a staredown.





"I'm telling you, it's 92!" I argued chewing on my pencil.

"And I'm telling you it's not. Let's just go ask and see who's right," Carl said. I agreed and we walked down the porch steps and towards Lori and Carol, who were making lunch for their group. "Mom, if Sam had -15 coins but got 61 more, times 2, is it 90 or 92?" Lori turned around with a thinking look. 

"I believe it's 92," she smiled at us. 

"Ha, I was right!" I cheered jumping up and down. 

"Whatever," Carl grumbled.  

"Oh don't look so sad, Carl. Not my fault that I'm always right." I said, pecking him on the cheek.


"Clear! Come on in!" Rick yelled from inside the cabin. Everybody was outside, walked inside. I let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't that warmer in here but it was better than outside. 

Survive The Apocalypse -- Carl Grimes Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now