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Summary: Eddie walks into Jitters with Iris and Joe, looking to get some coffee before another long, crazy shift at work. And boy, does it get weirder. It will be told from Eddie's POV.


I walk in with Iris holding my hand, and Joe standing on my right, telling me about something from years ago. We managed to snag thirty minutes to grab coffee before we have to head back to work. Barry, for some reason, took the day off.

We walk over to the cashier and order our drinks. I'm just stepping away to pay for Iris and mine's drinks when I hear her gasp.

"Iris?" I say, looking at her. "What's up?"

Iris gets Joe's attention and then points behind us. Sitting at one of the high-top tables is none other than Barry Allen and Oliver Queen. And not only that, but they're holding hands and chatting flirtatiously.

"Oh, I've seen that you've noticed Barry and Oliver, finally," the cashier says.

I read her name tag: Margot.

"Whatever do you mean?" Joe questions her.

"Barry and Oliver have been coming here like that for the past three months. You walked straight by them, even, two weeks ago," Margot answers, taking the cash that I hand her.

I have a sudden urge to go over there and punch Queen in the face. Barry's one of my best friends here in Central, and I want to keep him safe. "Wait, so how long have they've been dating, then?" I ask out loud.

Margot shrugs. "Since Oliver visited the first time, from what I can tell. Though, it may have been even earlier than that."

Iris grasps the coffee cup that Margot hands to her. "Barry went to Starling before he was struck by lightning," She says.

I wind my free arm around her. "We can continue this discussion when we sit down. Margot," I say to the cashier, who nods. "Care to join us?"

Margot smiles at me. "You're right on time, my break starts in ten seconds."

She strolls out from behind the counter, and we continue to four chairs far enough from Barry and Queen.

"They've grown pretty close, those two. They come in here every week. At first, they were probably just testing it out, and it looked awkward," Margot recalls. "I kept an eye out for them, though. I had a gut feeling that they'd be back."

I nod, pulling my cup to my lips. "Wait, Barry moved, like, three weeks ago!" I say suddenly.

"Yeah, and the loft he moved into is awfully close to the highway to Starling," Iris agrees.

Margot grins. "That was Oliver's doing. He wanted Barry closer to him, in case Barry needed him, also, Oliver hated that neighborhood."

I felt my rage boil closer to the surface, and my mind was racing through all the moments of the past few months. I had known that something was off with Barry, and that was after he told me that he was the Flash. He'd been even more secretive and annoyed when we pressed him about it.

"Well, my break's over, see you," Margot tells us as she stands up.

"Is it weird I want to go over there and punch in Oliver's face?" I say, standing up.

Iris chuckles. "That's how we feel all the time."

I glance over at Joe. "Really?"

"Yeah, we love Barry, and he's extremely smart and can take care of himself, but we've been protective since I adopted him," Joe remarks, nodding.

"Iris, Eddie, Joe? What are you doing here?" Barry's voice asks. We turn and see that Barry is there, alone. I look around and find Queen writing something at their table.

"We're here for coffee. What about you?" Joe says, smiling like nothing is wrong.

Barry lifts an eyebrow. "Oh, um, just a coffee date with a friend."

"Really, so we're just friends now?" Oliver asks, approaching us.

Barry snickers nervously. "You know what I mean, Queen," He says, swiping at Oliver's arm.

Oliver laughs, wrapping an arm around Barry's waist. "Hello, Iris, Eddie, and Joe," He says to us.

"You're dating Oliver Queen, Barry?" I blurt out.

Barry laughs again, but this time it's in humor. "Well, yeah," He replies to me. "Besides you-know-what, Oliver and I have started hanging out more. Why?"

I shake my head. "Barry," I say softly. "I just don't want you hurt, not with these types of guys."

Suddenly, Oliver tenses, and he turns to Barry, his arm tightening around the speedster. "Listen, babe, I'm going to go pull the car around. You finish up here, and we'll head back to my place, yeah?" He says to Barry.

Barry beams. "That's fine, Ollie," He agrees, kissing Queen. I feel my knuckles tense. Iris sips her coffee nervously, and Joe, well, Joe just left. Probably the restroom.

Oliver draws his arm out from Barry's waist and walks away. When he's gone, Barry turns back to us. And for the first time, he looks mad. He sits in one of the chairs. "Listen, Eddie," He says carefully. "Oliver is not like that anymore. Since he came back, he's changed. He's better. Sure, at first, I doubted that he'd stay with me for more than a month before cheating, but he's managed so well." Barry stands up. "And," He adds. "I can handle myself, thank you very much."

I open my mouth to respond, but he cuts me off, "Save it. It's my life and my decisions. I like Oliver, so deal with it." He walks away, and I see him go out the door.


"You know, he isn't wrong," Iris says to me when we leave a couple of minutes later.

"Who?" I ask, looking at my phone.

"Barry. Oliver and he seem to be a good fit. And from what Margot told me while you were in the bathroom, they seem to have a healthy relationship. Also, look at you and me. Barry and my dad didn't approve of us, but they got over it. Repay Barry by doing the same for him, accept it, or it may ruin your friendship," She answers as we walk back to my car.

"Iris West, you surprise me constantly." I open her door and kiss her.

She slaps me lightly in the arm. "C'mon, Eddie. Let's go write up that apology that you can give to Barry later."

I roll my eyes; things are definitely a whole center of weird now.

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