25- Family

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Your POV

Raph was grumbling from behind you as you trudged back through the sewers and into the lair. You had made him carry most of the stuff you bought, which was a few cans of paint that you had an idea to do with, some brushes, a few rollers and some other small things like some photo frames, and some racks to hang your weapons that you brought from home. You could barely see his still human face through all the bags and boxes. You had gotten just enough supplies to keep you busy for around the next week.

You were also VERY surprised at what the total cost was. You expected it to be about five times what it actually cost.

"Things in this world are WAY cheaper than back home," you thought to yourself as you had paid for the stuff. You eyed the small cans of red, blue, orange and purple paint you had picked up as the cashier put them in the bag along with the big cans of brown, white, black, and three shades of pinks and smiled to yourself, knowing exactly what you would do with them.

You on the other hand, were just carrying two pizzas that you picked up for dinner. As you walked into the lair, you were greeted by Leo and Mikey who were sitting on the couch while Mikey played video games. Leo was just watching, and turned when he heard you come back. He smiled at you and you felt your heart melt a little, but you just gave a small smile back.

"God my arms are killing me," groaned Raph as he put down all the stuff. You laughed.

"Oh come on red. You're supposed to be the muscle," you replied sarcastically making Mikey and Leo laugh while Raph just looked at you and turned off his watch, unamused. "Well I got pizza if you guys want dinner. Just as a thanks for cleaning out my room and letting me stay here," as soon as you said pizza, Mikey was up off the couch and taking the boxes from you.

"You are literally the best houseguest we have ever had," he said. You chuckled then looked at Leo.

"Where's Donnie?" Leo smirked.

"Holed up where he normally is." You nodded in knowing, and walked over to the lab door. You knocked on it gently and heard a muffled voice say "come in." So you opened the door and waved to Donnie. He smiled.

"Hey. How was shopping?" You laughed.

"Other than Raph complaining, it was good, thanks." Then you pointed behind you. "Pizzas here. And also did you know that you are the most polite person I have ever met?" That made him chuckle.

"It's hard not to be when I see how my brothers act. All I have to do is be less gruff than Raph, and less-... excitable than Mikey." That made you laugh. "Leo is pretty good though." Then he gave you a look. "Speaking of. How are things with Leo?" You closed the lab door and leaned against it, sighing. Out of all the turtles, Donnie definitely related to you the most, and you were probably closest with him next to Leo. He knew everything that had gone on.

"We haven't really talked since before we got here. Since he told me he liked me," you said and Donnie nodded.

"How did that go?"

"I mean, other than the fact we haven't really talked about it, it went good." Donnie gave you a look as of to say keep going. "I umm-... I told him I liked him too," you said quietly and Donnie squealed a little. You burst out laughing when you saw his face. He looked like an excited best girl friend that you just told about a new boyfriend.

"Okay genius, we better go get some pizza before Mikey eats it all," you said as you opened the lab door. Donnie pointed at you.

"We are not done with this conversation missy," he said and you giggled as you walked out of the lab, Donnie on your heels. The others had already settled down with plates of pizza on the couch and Donnie and you went to do the same.

"Oh and thanks again Raph, for coming shopping with me," you said as you sat down on the very edge of the couch, with Donnie beside you. He just nodded.

"No problem tiny. Just don't pick up so many cans of paint next time," he complained and you laughed. You felt eyes on you and glanced up to see Leo's blue eyed gaze staring straight back at you. He seemed sort of hurt that you didn't sit next to him, but you just looked down and took a bite of pizza.

During dinner, you felt like part of an actual family again. You all laughed and made jokes, told stories and just had an all around fun time until long after you finished eating. As Mikey was talking, you just took time to glance at your new family. Raph had an arm across the couch and was chuckling at Mikeys outrageous story, with Leo sitting beside him a smile on his face that lit up his blue eyes. Donnie had his arms crossed beside you and was laughing at Mikey as well.

Time seemed to slow down as you watched all the guys having fun like real brothers, and it finally set in for you.

This. This. Is what it meant to have a family. The boys all looked at you when they realized you had zoned out with a distracted smile on your face. Donnie poked your shoulder.

"Y/n?" He asked. "Are you okay?" You just smiled and nodded.

"Never been better."

That wasn't a great chapter, I'm sorry😬

It was just a small filler to get you used to being in the lair with the boys and having fun for once.

I promise there is only a few more chapters!! Announcement on a second book will possibly be out soon.

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now