14- Shopping Spree

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Your POV
(F/st)= favourite store
(H/t)= hometown or favourite city
(F/s)= favourite song

Once the boys got used to their new appearances and settled down, you decided to take them shopping for more clothes at (F/st). They were all super excited to go out on the surface for the first time in the daylight. You got your keys and piled the boys into your car, Leo taking shotgun and the other thee squeezing in the back.

"Ow get your elbow outta my ribs."

"It's not my fault I'm stuck in the middle bro."

"Guys stop moving. You're going to distract the driver."

You kept looking in your rear view mirror the whole drive to see the boys reactions to the city in the day. Mikey was looking out both windows as much as he could since he was in the middle, Donnie was watching out his window calmly since he had already been out with you, and Raph was looking excitedly at every new sight he could. Then you glanced at Leo. He had his face as close to the glass as possible without touching it, blue eyes wide as he took in everything.

You smiled to yourself as you pulled into the store parking lot and parked the car. The boys all let out sighs of disappointment that they were there already. You laughed and undid your seatbelt.

"Oh come on guys. It's not that bad. Tell you what," you said turning around. "When we're finished here, I'll consider taking you guys somewhere fun," you wiggled your eyebrows. Mikey bounced in his seat.


"Really." You laughed.

"Well let's go guys!" He shouted. You all piled out of the car and went into the store. You had to stop the boys before you went in and looked at them with a stern face.

"I swear, if you touch anything and break it, I won't hesitate to kick your shells again when we get home. You have to be careful. In this world you can't just break things and leave them. You have to pay for them. I'm looking at you Mikey," you said sternly to the clumsy redhead. He nodded vigorously. "Okay. Now we can go in."

You took them to the men's department, where they each picked out a few more outfits, with your help of course, and where they got a few stares from young girls walking through. The boys didn't even notice. They were too busy having fun and looking at everything. You giggled when Raph put on a baseball hat backwards and shot you a smile. Donnie was trying to keep his brothers under control but it wasn't working.

Soon, you lost Mikey. You looked for him for a while, just to find him wandering aimlessly, hands in his pockets and not touching anything just like you said. You watched him for a second before telling Donnie you would be back and then going to follow Mikey. You watched him slowly wander up and down all the aisles, taking everything in. Soon, he spotted an old lady who was struggling to get something off a high shelf. No one would stop to help her so he went over. Although Mikey was shorter than his brothers, he was still tall for a human.

"Excuse me, ma'am." You heard him say quietly. "Would you like some help with that?" He offered. The lady smiled and nodded. Mikey smiled back before reaching up and grabbing the item from the shelf. Handing it her, he blushed as she thanked him.

"Such a kind young man," you heard her say, and you watched as he waved goodbye to her and continued walking. This was odd. Usually Mikey is the rambunctious one, but right now, he was the calm one, just looking at all of the stuff the store had to offer. You crept up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned to face you and grinned.

"Dudette! How's it hangin?" He asked. You laughed and strung your arm around his.

"It's going good Mikey. So how are you enjoying the surface in the day?" Mikey gave a distracted smile.

"This is the best thing ever," he said as you continued to walk slowly up and down the aisles together. "You know, for all the stuff that I've learned about the surface, I didn't know that it was ever this colourful." You nodded and watched him sigh contentedly.

"Well Mikey. We have to get back to your brothers and make sure they didn't break anything," you said. Mikey nodded but looked a little disappointed. "Don't worry Mikey. I'll bring you back another day. Also you still have to pick out some clothes. Besides, I have something fun planned for tonight," you said mysteriously. Mikeys eyes lit up.

"Well why didn't you say so? Let's go," he tugged your arm like a kid and you went back to the clothes where the others were. They waved, eyes shining when they saw you and Mikey coming back.

"Where did you two run off to?" Asked Leo. You shrugged and looked at Mikey.

"An adventure." Mikey grinned at you and you laughed, unhooking your arm from his and going over to help them with picking out more clothes. When it was all said and done, almost $200 later, the boys were all thanking you profusely while you walked out to the car. You waved them off and popped the trunk, where the boys set their stuff in. They each had about two bags, not fully filled, with different clothes in them. Mostly picked by you of course.

They piled back into the car, and watched the hustle and bustle of the 5 o'clock rush hour. Traffic was a bit heavy so it took a little longer to get home. But the boys didn't mind. They all watched out the windows at the rainbow of cars. You cranked up the music to (f/s) and had the boys laughing as you tapped your fingers on the wheel along with the beat.

You arrived home and the boys carried their clothes in, quickly turning off their watches to conserve the power. Donnie collected them all and you told him to go plug them in since you had a surprise lined up for tonight. You all then collapsed on the couch and let out a sigh of happiness.

"Again, thank you so much," said Leo. You smiled.

"It's the least I can do. Besides," you grinned maniacally. "I have something even better planned for tonight." They all turned to look at you and you shrugged. "What?"

"Can we know what we're doing?" Asked Leo.

"Nope," you said, popping the P. "It's a surprise."

"If it's more shopping," grumbled Raph. "Then I think my feet are gonna fall off." You laughed.

"No, no more shopping. But it does involve walking." That peaked the boys interests.

"Please tell us," begged Mikey. He crawled over to where you were sitting and put his head on your knee. You laughed and pat the top of his head.

"Sorry Mikey. You'll find out soon enough." Then you looked at all of them. "I just wanted to make your time here memorable," you said, a hint of sadness entering your voice. The boys visibly dropped at the mention of going home. You clapped your hands to get them out of their funk.

"But tonight is for fun!" You said, trying to lighten the mood. The blue leader was looking at you again, and you tried to ignore him but couldn't. You glanced at him and he shot you a look as if to ask "are you okay?" You just gave a slight nod and a forced smile.

As much as you wanted the boys to stay, you knew they would have to return to their world soon. So you promised you would make sure that they had the best time of their lives while on this world.

"Carnival, here we come."

You know, even though Mikey is supposed to be the childish one, in my opinion he is the most mature because no matter what happens, he tries to keep the mood light and everyone together, without letting his emotions get in the way. I just had to put some calm Mikey in here cause why not.

Hope you enjoyed!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now